
  • 网络dedicated railways;special purpose railway;access railroad
  1. 而作为铁路路网的一部分一一铁路专用线、专用铁路,在铁路货物运输中居于重要地位。

    As a part of the railway network & special purpose railway , seizes an important position in railway freight transport .

  2. 食品专用铁路碳钢槽罐车内壁的防腐蚀方法

    Anti - Corrosion Technology of carbon steel tank wagons for food

  3. 建设连云港北港区集装箱专用铁路的必要性分析

    The Necessity of Building Container Dedicated Railway in Lianyungang Northern Port Area

  4. 专用铁路开采沉陷信息综合处理系统

    Comprehensive Processing System for Special Railway Subsidence in Mine Area

  5. 有色冶炼企业专用铁路运输智能调度系统研究

    Study on Special Railway Transportation Intelligent Dispatching System of Non-ferrous Smelt Enterprise

  6. 云冈专用铁路钢轨爬行的治理

    Bring the Yungang Appropriation Railroad Crawls Length under Control

  7. 专用铁路安全管理问题探讨

    Probes into the Problems in the Security Management of Railroads for Special Purposes

  8. 钾肥专用铁路罐车的设计

    Design of K Fertilizer Special Railway Tank Vehicle

  9. 关于大型企业专用铁路运输信息管理系统的设计

    Special Railway Transportation Information Management System for Enterprises

  10. 关于加速专用铁路货车周转的探讨

    On Accelerating Freight Car Circulation on Industrial Railways

  11. 古交矿区专用铁路沿线噪声的防治对策

    Countermeasures on Special Railroad Noise Prevention and Control

  12. 介绍一种矿区专用铁路调度监督系统。

    A kind of Dispatch and Supervision System ( DSS ) of mine railway is introduced .

  13. 程序自动电路试验装置有一条专用铁路试验线,试验车辆及测试设备。

    Programmed automatic circuit tester With a private testing line , testing train and detecting equipments .

  14. 专用铁路兼办公共旅客、货物运输营业的,适用本法关于铁路运输企业的规定。

    To any industrial railway undertaking commercial public passenger or goods transport , the provisions governing railway transport enterprises stipulated in this Law shall apply .

  15. 阐述了钾肥专用铁路罐车的装卸方式、原理及优点,并提出了具体设计方案。

    The loading and unloading manner , principle and advantages of K fertilizer special railway tank vehicle are expatiated and puts forward the particular design plan .

  16. 在旧线改造或新建的地方专用铁路施工中,由于铺轨量不大,以往大多采用手工作业方式。

    In the rehabilitation of old railroad line and the construction of local special railways , track-laying is usually done manually due to the limited amount of work .

  17. 对影响专用铁路(线)的安全因素进行的全面、系统的分析,有效辨识危险有害因素。

    And the special railway line and road accident analysis system analysis , special railway line safety influence factors , the effective identification of dangerous and harmful factors .

  18. 文章针对当前专用铁路安全管理方面存在的问题,提出了加强专用铁路安全管理的具体措施。

    Concerning the problems in the security management of railroads for special purposes , this article has proposed some specific measures to strengthen the security management of these railroads .

  19. 由于我国的许多矿区都拥有多座一流的现代化生产矿井,综合机械化程度均较高,因此矿区专用铁路的运输量逐渐增大。

    Because many mining districts of China possess of many high-class modernized mine , and the degree of comprehensive mechanization is quite high , so the exclusive railway traffic volume is getting more .

  20. 专用铁路运输是我国铁路运输的重要组成部分,目前,我国许多专用铁路都座落在矿区,承担着矿区煤炭运输的任务。

    Exclusive railway transportation is an important part of railway transportation in China , at present , many exclusive railway are located in the coal mining area , undertaking the task of coal transportation .

  21. 兰州石化公司化工区专用铁路是兰州石化公司化工区最主要的运输方式,是公司运输组织的重要环节,在企业的生产经营活动中起着非常重要的作用。

    Industrial railway in Lanzhou petrochemical company west area is the main mode of transportation and is the important part of the transportation organization , in enterprise production and operating activities plays a very important role .

  22. 《专用铁路生产调度指挥管理信息系统》是针对企业铁路专线运输作业的现代化建设而开发的多系统一体化储运生产作业平台。

    " Special-purpose Railroad Production scheduling Direction Management information system " aims at the multi - systems integration storage and transport work which the enterprise railroad private line transportation work the modernization develops to produce the platform .

  23. 拆除已经设置的平交道口或者人行过道,由铁路运输企业或者建有专用铁路、铁路专用线的企业或者其他单位和当地人民政府商定。

    The removal of an established level crossing or pedestrian cross-walk shall be decided by the railway transport enterprise , or the relevant enterprise owning the relating industrial railway or private siding , or any other relevant unit by agreement with the local people 's government .

  24. 大部分增长将来自中国,目前中国正在建设的专用高速铁路达7000公里。

    Much of the growth is set to be in China , which is building 7000km of dedicated , high-speed rail routes .

  25. 最后,利用熵权评价法,将小汽车专用高速铁路放在现有的交通运输方式体系中,对其进行了综合比较评价研究。

    Lastly , through entropy weight decision making method , a comprehensive , comparative appraisal has been done under a condition of current traffic vehicle .

  26. 利用网络技术、计算机技术、单片机技术、传感器技术和CAN总线方式,实现对石化专用线铁路信号设备的实时监测,为专用线信号设备实现状态修创造条件。

    Using network technology , computer technology , single chip technology , transducer technique and CAN bus , real-time monitoring of railroad signal equipment of petrochemical special line was realized , facilitating condition-based repair of signal equipment .

  27. 本文在对专用线及铁路物流发展现状和存在的问题充分分析的基础上,提出将专用线纳入铁路货运企业物流管理系统,以拓展铁路物流内涵,提高核心竞争力。

    Based on the analysis of the present developing conditions and existent problems of appropriation line and railway logistics , this paper puts forward bringing the appropriation line into the logistics management system of railroad freight transportation enterprise to expand railway logistics content and to increase core competencies .

  28. 除了这些用来暗度陈仓的专用线路,朝鲜铁路的主要功用是十分平常的。

    Despite the subterfuge of the private lines , the majority of North Korean railway activity is pretty mundane .

  29. 然后则是对风险评价方法的理论阐述,为引入铁路专用线、专用铁路方面的风险分析做准备。

    Then is the theory of risk assessment methods , which is prepared to introduce aspects of the risk analysis for special purpose railway .

  30. 为了降低物流费用,提高运输效率,发展自动化装卸的专用车辆必将成为铁路货运发展的方向。漏斗车是自动化装卸的专用车辆之一。

    In order to reduce logistics costs , improve transport efficiency , the development of automated handling of special vehicles will become the direction of development of rail freight hopper car is dedicated automated loading and unloading vehicles .