
  • 网络obligate anaerobic;obligate anaerobe
  1. 专性厌氧生物只能在无氧条件下生存。

    An obligate anaerobe can survive only in the absence of OXYGen .

  2. R1与R2均为兼性需氧和兼性光能利用菌,RS-1为专性厌氧光合菌。

    The R1 and R2 were facultative aerobic and photobiotic bacteria , but RS-1 was a kind of strict anaerobic bacteria .

  3. 该株细菌为专性厌氧杆菌,代谢特征为乙醇发酵,葡萄糖发酵产物主要为乙醇、乙酸、H2和CO2。

    Strain X-1 is facultative anaerobe bacillus ; its main fermentative products are acetic acid , ethanol , H 2 and CO 2 . The metabolic character of strain X-1 is typical ethanol type fermentation .

  4. 产甲酸草酸杆菌(Oxalobacterformigenes,OxF)则是一株能够以草酸作为唯一的碳源和能源的专性厌氧的革兰氏阴性菌。

    Oxalic acid can be used as the only carbon and energysources by Oxalobacter formigenes ( OxF ), which is Gram-negative and strictly anaerobic .

  5. 结果分离到兼性厌氧菌有10株,专性厌氧菌有4株;其中对硝唑尼特高敏1株,鉴定结果为E。

    Results There were 10 samples of anaerobius and 4 non anaerobius which were separated , and 1 colony was found highly sensitive to NTZ ;