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Under this concertration , organic ingredients ( such as amino acid and organic acid ) and inorganic ingredients ( such as K , H + , Ca2 + andP ) in root exudation are lower than the control .
The Effect of Lanthanum on Root Exudation of Rice
Study on Root Exudates of Sassafras tzumu Seedling Using Carbon 14
Effects of CO 2 elevation on root exudates in rice
SOD activity was promoted by root exudates at the low concentration .
Effect of cadmium and enhanced UV-B radiation on soybean root excretion
AIM in the DOM of soil originated from microbial decay of humus or root exudates and so on .
Study of Zn Stress on Plant Growth , Zn uptake and Root Exudates in Different Cultivars of Chinese Cabbage
Phenolic acids in tobacco root exudates ( TRE ) were isolated and identified by high performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ) .
In the soil solution , 39 compounds were detected , and 7 of them were the same of the root exudates .
Moreover , PI increased the activities of urease , phosphatase and sucrase , but decreased the catalase activity in its rhizosphere .
This paper reviewed the mechanism that the soil rhizosphere microorganism , rhizosphere pH , root exudates , mycorrhizae , and phosphatase in the rhizosphere soil to improve the phosphorus using efficiency .
With the concentration of continuous soybean increased , it showed inhibition both for root vigor , SOD activity and stem length , stem weight , root length , root weight .
Root exudates and deposits ' composition and content of varieties are different , resulting in diversity of methane production among fields with different varieties .
Root exudates are products the plant generates in responding to CO2 enrichment . They can activate soil nutrient elements and regulate composition of the soil microbiota , thus playing an important role in the rhizospheric microecosystem .
After 2 hr from root secretions acting on phosphorus and potassium mineral , activating ability achieves largest , and strengthen step by step along with raising of temperature .
Two organic acids , oxalic acid and citric acid , were identified from the root exudates of cucumber seedlings by HPLC . Citric acid in root exudates of ammonium grown plants was significantly higher than nitrate grown plants .
The related mechanisms of root exudates of maize in improvement iron nutrition of peanut intercropped with maize was investigated by 14C tracer technique .
FOC infection markedly increased the content of citric acid in ammonium grown plants , while had no effect on nitrate grown plants .
The root exudation of P-deficient plants showed higher ability to mobilize P from Al-P or Fe-P than that of P-sufficient plants .
In the text , we identify the phytotoxic substances in root exudates of cucumber by GC-MS , the root exudates was collected with Amberlite XAD-4 resin .
The results of studiesshowed : the effect of soybean root system secretion upon Rhizoctonia was the most important , and the order of activity of the fungi secretion on trace elements in soil was : Mn 〉 Zn 〉 Cu 〉 Cd .
Effect of Germination Capacity and Seeding of Various Rice Cultivar by NaCl Solution Grafted cucumber and squash root exudates have the inhibitory effect of germination of cucumber , elongation of root and hypocotyls , and have the same effect on squash .
Soil available potassium content after treated by the root exudates of grain amaranth was higher than that treated by pure water . Under low potassium stress , the content of soil available potassium treated by the root exudates of K12 was higher than that treated by those of M9 .
Root exudates of low concentration made the growth enhanced ; net photosynthetic rate and root respiration rate increased ; soluble sugar content , starch content and protein content increased ; MDA content decreased , while root exudates of high concentration showed opposite trend . 3 .
Organic acids from soybean root secretion and liquid of decomposed root and stem were identified by GC-MS , then allelopathy of those organic acids to seed germination and growth of soybean were conducted with germinating test , solution-culture test and chemical analysis .
Changes of some root exudates of Lolium multiflorum and Glycine max with PCOPs ( 1,2,4-TCB and pp ' - DDT ) stress were studied under hydroponic conditions .
Two watermelon cultivars and rice were used to study the contents and components of the soluble sugars and free amino acids in the root exudates and their effects on the growth of FON .
A sand culture experiment and a hydroponic culture experiment were conducted to study genotypic variation of rice in utilization of sparingly soluble phosphates ( Al-P and Fe-P ) and its relationship with mobilization characteristic of root exudation .
More compounds were collected by the continuous root exudates trapping system ( CRETS ) than the root soaking method ( RS ) and an increase in the hydrocarbon and amine compounds was observed in the solution prepared by the CRETS .