
huò lì
  • make a profit;clear;earn profit;pay off;reap profit;get or obtain profit
获利 [huò lì]
  • [pay off;reap profit] 产生利润

  • 这项投资获利很多

获利[huò lì]
  1. 提出应在各生产要素享有同等的保本获利权利的前提下来分配的观点,这样有利于消灭剥削,有利于按劳分配和社会主义本质的实现。

    The view is put forward in the article , that it should be allocated on the premise that all the manufacture factors have the same right to maintain capital and earn profit , which helps to eliminate and realize the labor-based allocation and the essence of socialism .

  2. GibsonSotheby'sInternationalRealty在波士顿的经纪人蒙特罗(WilliamMontero)表示,即便子女将来并没有住到那里,这些购房者也很有可能通过出租或转售住宅获利。

    ' Even if their kids don 't end up coming here , they 're more likely to make a profit on renting or resale , ' says William Montero , an agent at Gibson Sotheby 's International Realty in Boston .

  3. 各机构皆知获利之道在于确保员工士气高昂。

    Organizations have an interest in ensuring that employee motivation is high .

  4. 公司在这笔生意中获利颇丰。

    The company made a healthy profit on the deal .

  5. 我们卖掉这座房子应该可以获利。

    We should be able to sell the house at a profit .

  6. 我们低价买下这些,然后卖出获利。

    We buy them cheaply and then flog them off at a profit .

  7. 他将自己的股票卖给其他投资者,从中获利。

    He has profited by selling his holdings to other investors

  8. 生产大量的食物能让他们获利。

    It was profitable for them to produce large amounts of food .

  9. 电子订票系统通过多种方式帮助航空公司获利。

    Computerized reservation systems help airline profits in several ways

  10. 如今,大多数公司只想能迅速获利。

    Most companies these days are just out to make a quick profit .

  11. 法国各家公司都获利丰厚。

    The French companies are registering stellar profits .

  12. 这家公司未透露这两笔交易的预期获利情况。

    The company didn 't disclose how much it expects to gain from the two deals

  13. 更低的费率意味着各公司更有可能在未来的几个月中大幅获利。

    Lower rates mean that firms are more likely to rack up profits in the coming months

  14. 他们这样做并未打算进一步获利,而是出于一种义不容辞的贵族责任感。

    They did so without hope of further profit and out of a sense of noblesse oblige .

  15. 黑人模特正逐步涉足曾是白人主宰的领地:签约获利丰厚的化妆品行业。

    These black models are moving in on what was previously white territory : the lucrative cosmetic contracts .

  16. 他卖出每样东西都获利。

    He has a profit on everything he sells .

  17. “仅仅因为我跟某个人有业务关系并且我可以从这段关系中获利,并不意味着这个人就是我的朋友,”斯皮奥斯说。

    " Just because I have a business relationship with an individual and I can profit from that relationship , it does not necessarily mean that this person is my friend , " Soupios says .

  18. 污染行业辩称我们已经输掉了控制碳污染的战斗,现在只能适应。和往常一样,这些话都是编造的无稽之谈,好让他们能从中获利。

    When the polluting industries argue that we 've lost the battle to control carbon pollution and have no choice but to adapt , it 's a nonsense designed to make the case for business as usual .

  19. 它每年要处理150万公斤电子垃圾,从中获利7500万元。

    It has to deal with 1.5 million kilograms of e-waste each year , from which it makes 75 million yuan .

  20. Forfeiture没收(财产等)没收非法获利是处罚的一部分。

    The forfeiture of illegally obtained profits is part of the penalty .

  21. 从这一效应可以预知,投资者从上一笔交易中获利后更倾向于购买一些冒险型的股票。行为金融理论提示,克服这种心理可以帮助投资者长期获利。

    The house money effect predicts investors will be more likely to purchase risky may help investors profit more over the long term .

  22. 我们经常会听到“政客们都会有怪异盟友”这样一句话,说的是政客们为了达到自己的目的会做出任何事情,不择手段,如果能让自己获利,他们也能跟自己憎恶的政敌联手。

    We often hear " politicians make strange bedfellows . " That means politicians will do anything to succeed , ready to try all means and measures , fair or foul1 , including working with their hateful political enemies if they have something to gain from such an alliance .

  23. 当我们为这个做准备时,您提到过的开放商业开发模式和TeamConcert可以从中获利。

    When we were preparing for this , you mentioned the open commercial development model and Team Concert benefiting from that .

  24. BOT是政府借私人融资建设和经营力量兴建基础设施和公用设施的方式,且该私人和贷款方从投资中获利。

    BOT is a way in which the government constructs infrastructure and public utilities by depending on the private .

  25. 显然,谷歌的目标是确保所有手机制造商都能在Android设备上获利,而不仅仅是摩托罗拉和三星。

    Obviously Google has an interest in making sure other phone manufacturers succeed in selling Android devices & not just Motorola and Samsung .

  26. 伯克希尔控制着广泛的公司业务,包括铁路巨头伯灵顿北方圣塔菲铁路公司(BurlingtonNorthernSantaFe),以及从家居建材市场获利颇丰的其他公司。

    It owns a wide variety of businesses including railroad giant Burlington Northern Santa Fe and companies that benefit from home construction .

  27. 本周末《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)一篇报道称,高盛集团操纵铝价进而从可口可乐及其他产品的消费者身上获利约50亿美元。

    The tale of how Goldman is manipulating the market for aluminum and boosting prices to the tune of $ 5 billion a year for coke drinkers and others was laid out this weekend in an article in thenew York Times .

  28. 但是并不需要多复杂的操作:如果你建立一个简单的契约经济模型并用它驱动开发决策,即时一个SOA契约也会获利。

    But it is not necessary to go that far : It will even benefit a SOA engagement if you create a simple economic model of the engagement and use it to drive development decisions .

  29. 在当前维护协议下的RUP客户可以升级到RMC,升级后这些用户将从改进的工具和内容中大大获利。

    RUP customers under a current maintenance agreement are entitled to an upgrade to RMC and will hence benefit from greatly improved tooling and content .

  30. 与许多竞争对手一样,雷曼兄弟正渴望获准投资中国内地券商,以便从不断飙升的首次公开发行(ipo)和零售交易委托中获利。

    Like many of its rivals , Lehman Brothers is itching to be allowed to invest in a domestic brokerage , to benefit from soaring initial public offering and retail trading commissions .