
wài huì pái jià
  • foreign exchange rate;foreign exchange quotation
  1. 按现行的外汇牌价,我们转换为人民币并已贷记你方帐户。

    We have credited your account in terms of RMB after conversion in accordance with current foreign exchange quotation .

  2. 为了照顾侨胞、侨眷的利益,国家规定了合理的外汇牌价。

    In order to show consideration for the interests of our compatriots residing abroad and for the relatives of overseas Chinese , the State has set reasonable foreign exchange quotations .

  3. 从银行每天的外汇牌价上,普通百姓日益感受到美元贬值和人民币升值的强烈反差,热钱流入,境外短期投机资本是否投机到股市、房市甚至国家经济主导产业中。

    From the bank everyday exchange rate quoted , ordinary people increasingly feel the dollar and RMB appreciation of strong contrast , " hot money " from abroad short-term speculative capital to the stock market , whether speculative housing even leading industry in national economy .

  4. 所得为外国货币的,应当按照国家外汇管理机关公布的外汇牌价折合成人民币缴纳税款。

    Income in foreign currency shall be converted into Renminbi according to the exchange rate quoted by the State exchange control authorities for purposes of tax payment .