
wài ké
  • housing;shell;skin;hull;outer covering;outer skin;carapace;incrustation;outermost shell
外壳 [wài ké]
  • (1) [outer covering]∶外层包覆物

  • (2) [hull;shell]∶水果或种子的外皮(如谷粒或坚果的外壳或豌豆的荚)

外壳[wài ké]
  1. 该方法基于Snake参数化变形模型,将真实物体可视外壳的计算问题转化为初始曲面在内外力作用下收敛于目标物体的问题。

    On the basis of snake deformable model , the algorithm translates the visual hull computation problem into a forces computation problem .

  2. 生活在色彩之内:黄色。一艘黄色的小船外壳反射其在吃水线在魁北克的Forillon国家的公园。

    Life in Color : Yellow A yellow boat hull is reflected at the waterline in Quebec 's Forillon National Park .

  3. 新型的轻质外壳使这种型号携带更轻便。

    The new light cover increases this model 's portability .

  4. 这辆汽车的外壳给人的感觉异常坚固。

    The solid feel of the car 's shell is impressive .

  5. 将甜椒剖成两半,在滚热的烤架上烤至外壳微焦。

    Halve the peppers and char the skins under a hot grill .

  6. 有着相当坚韧外壳的深棕色豆类

    dark brown beans with a rather tough outer skin .

  7. 这款随身听的外壳是防水的。

    The personal stereo has a water-resistant outer case .

  8. 进入细胞后,病毒颗粒就打开它的外壳。

    On entry into a cell , the virus particle uncoats .

  9. 介形虫是小型动物,其中大部分都具有两瓣的外壳。

    Ostracodes are small animals , most of which have a two valved shell .

  10. 法乃吾人道德生活之见证人和外壳。

    The law is the witness and external deposit of our moral life .

  11. 这类甲虫有坚硬的外壳

    This kind of beetles have hard shell .

  12. 毒液(特别是升级后的)是消灭外壳的理想单位

    Venoms ( especially upgraded ) are the ideal unit for taking out husks .

  13. 科学家们重新分析了美国宇航局宇航员在1972年阿波罗登月任务期间收集的月球外壳样本。

    The scientists re-analysed a sample collected by NASA astronauts during the 1972 Apollo mission .

  14. 鸡蛋的外壳是不透水的,防止胚胎失水

    The outer covering of the egg is waterproofed to prevent the embryo from drying out .

  15. 假鸡蛋蛋壳的颜色比真鸡蛋的外壳亮一些,但不太明显

    Fake egg 's shell a little shinier than the real egg , but it is not very noticeable .

  16. 出版发行的过程就是把作者的手稿送到读者手中的过程,把手稿实体化——给它书的外壳。

    Publishing is the process of getting an author 's manuscript into the hands of a reader , by materializing it – giving it form , as a book .

  17. 用C++和Access数据库实现专家系统外壳

    Realization of expert system tools using C + + and Access database

  18. 用于测量GIS中瞬态外壳电压的电阻性阻抗分压器

    Resistive impedance divider used for transient enclosure voltage measurement in GIS

  19. 甘薯G病毒外壳蛋白基因克隆与序列分析

    Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Coat Protein Gene of Sweet Potato Virus G

  20. 高功率LED投射灯,具金属外壳,质感佳。

    18W / 24W high power LED street light . With metal exterior casing .

  21. 基于Java的专家系统外壳Jess(javaexpertsystemshell)等技术更为专家系统的分层设计提供了保障。

    Some technologies as Java expert system shell guarantee for the implementation of layered design .

  22. 这将涉及到设置JAVAHOME环境变量和在平台不为Windows的情况下将外壳脚本配置为可执行文件。

    This involves setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable and making the shell scripts executable if the platform is not Windows .

  23. 从带烟草花叶病毒外壳蛋白亚基因组启动子的负链RNA产生正链RNA

    Positive-strand produced from negative-strand RNA containing coat protein subgenomic promoter of tobacco mosaic virus

  24. 附胶体填充,超声焊接,高密度abs外壳。

    Enclosure Gel filled , ultrasonically welded , high density ABS housing .

  25. 芜菁花叶病毒外壳蛋白在寄主植物叶绿体中的积累及其对光系统II活性的影响

    Accumulation of Coat Protein of Turnip mosaic virus in Host Chloro-plasts and Its Effect on PS II Activity

  26. Perl之所以有吸引力是因为它填补了Unix外壳编程和C语言应用程序之间的空档。

    Perl is appealing because it fills the gap between Unix shell programming and C applications .

  27. 然后,这个外壳API再使用某种技术(如数据绑定)完成这项任务。

    Then , your shell API is going to use something perhaps data binding to accomplish its job .

  28. HPV外壳蛋白L1的B细胞共同表位短肽免疫学特性的研究

    The Study of Immunological Character of HPV Capsid Protein L1 B Cell Common Epitope Short Peptide

  29. 抗CMV病毒外壳蛋白CP基因导入黄瓜的研究

    Study on Introducing Anti-CMV Virus CP Gene into Cucumber

  30. 一个新的Explorer外壳重新启动,但是这是最初的受限用户的上下文环境。

    A new shell will automatically start , running in the originating user context .