- macroevolution

The Macroevolution Theory and the Controversy between this Theory and Microevolution Theory
This paper explained natural selection also wors on macroevolution and molecular evolution .
This paper discusses the basic Content , study range of macroevolution theory model and some key aspect of controversy between this theory and traditional microevolution model , and analyses the active influence of the controversy upon evolutional biology briefly .
Just as the human face has evolved considerably since stone age times so it is expected to keep changing in the future .
Professor : OK . For today , let 's look at a reptile , a predator that hasn 't evolved much in the last seventy million years .
For example , Price said , the 160 - metric ton blue whale evolved a huge mouth allowing it to eat millions of tiny krill each day .
The new method can not only avoid the matter of the large range of solution and the complexity of evolution rules effectively during NN structure learning , but also realize that the structure and weights of NN can be optimized together .
Application of Cluster Method in Phylogenetic Tree Analysis of Large Sequence Sample
On the law of evolution of the macromolecule on ultra wide band
On the law of evolution of the macromolecule
Each experience teaches soul something that allows for greater understanding and evolution of truth , and ultimately the evolution of All That Is .
Between two species of tit there is certain overlaps in the trophic niche , and overlap value of size of food is more great . In the course of evolution and development , through ecological separation between two species does not take place .
Part 7 primarily discussed the phylogenetic relationships .
Analysis of the evolutionary group ′ s decision-making mechanism for the large area air defence
One other evolutionary marvel that they share with Great Whites is an endothermic circulatory system - that means warm-blooded .
For the most intelligent among us , it may be that there is conflict between aspiring to greater goals and being tied to our evolutionary past .
The theory is that bigger colonies with more crowded conditions would require insects to evolve better immune defenses , which in turn enable the insects to evolve still-bigger colonies .