
  • 网络Xinxing District;Sinsing;Sinsing District
  1. 新兴区是旧称的大港埔,以前是一望无际的荒野,居民多半以务农为生。

    Sinsing district was old-times dakangpu , which was barely a wasteland , and the residents majorly made their livings by cultivation .

  2. 近日,这家位于新兴文艺区Shoreditch的“砖巷”咖啡店在店门口的黑板上写下了一则关于澳大利亚著名品牌Ugg的提示:“对不起,穿Uggs(渣鞋)者不得入内”。

    Brick Lane Coffee in Shoreditch , East London , slated the popular Australian brand on a chalkboard outside its shop earlier this week , with the message : ' Sorry no Uggs ( slag wellies ) ' .

  3. 城市新兴开发区土地定级与基准地价评估的研究

    Study of the Land Grading and the Land Evaluating of New Development Area in Cities

  4. 大量工厂开始迁移至新兴工业区,城市中原有的工业用地的用地性质发生了变化,导致大量工业建筑闲置或废弃。

    The large number of factories began to migrate to the new industrial area ; the function of industrial land has changed .

  5. 作品呈现有机的前卫感,结合自然动力的设计,带领新兴开发区走向未来,极具地标性。

    First Prize : An organic avant-guard scheme that harnesses natural energy and leads an emerging district into the future . A great landmark .

  6. 这些新兴住宅区通常配有大片绿地以及先前为皇家猎场的林地,以赋予这些新修的街道和广场类似乡间的田园气息。

    These new areas were linked by huge green spaces , former royal hunting grounds that maintained the idea of these new streets and squares as quasi-country houses .

  7. 锦州从一个新兴工业区的典型落伍成一个欠发达城市,关键的一个原因就是人力资源发展严重滞后。

    The typical fogyism of bright and beautiful city from a burgeoning industrial district is owed into develop city , a crucial reason is manpower resource develops serious lag .

  8. 虹北工业区是以高科技为主的新兴工业区,它位于上海的北部,占地面积101亩。

    Located in the north of Shanghai and with a construction area of101 mu , Hongbei Industry Park is a newly constructed industry zone with hi-tech as its mainstay .

  9. 文章基于对山东省部分地区的新兴工业区村镇公益性服务设施建设及使用状况调研成果的归纳和分析,概述了我国新兴工业区村镇公益性服务设施配置现状。

    The thesis summarizes the configuration status of public welfare service facilities in China new industrial area towns based on the summarized and analyzed results of construction and usage .

  10. 更令人振奋的是技术先进,装备精良,工业产值高达上海1/4的新兴工业区的崛起。

    What is more inspring is the immerging and modern industries that make use of advanced technology , state of the art equipment and the industrial value more than a quarter of that of the greater shanghai .

  11. 即区域投资相对有效性逐步降低,并呈现东部高西部低的梯度分布,但是东西部下降幅度高于中部地区,新兴工业区的有效性低于沿海老工业区;

    But the decreasing range in the East and West is bigger than that in the middle parts and the relative efficiency in the newly emerging industrial areas is lower than that in the old coastal industrial areas .

  12. 作为南昌的第一家国际五星级酒店南昌索菲特耐克大酒店,矗立在南昌新兴商业区中心,北邻市政府,正对秋水广场,是您商务休闲的最佳选择!

    Right in the heart of the new business and government district , Sofitel Trilec nanchangm , as the first international five star hotel in the city , sets itself as the hotel of choice for business and leisure travelers .

  13. 以此为新兴工业区村镇公益性服务设施配置规划提供参考依据,并试图为经济发展较快地区村镇公益性服务设施的配置规划与建设起到推广、示范的作用。

    The research provides a reference for the configuration planning of public welfare service facilities to such new industrial area towns , and try to play a promotion and an exemplary role to the planning and construction of public welfare facilities in new industrial area towns .

  14. 双D港坐落在中国北方的港口城市大连,是大连高新技术园区的新兴产业区,其产业规划分为数字科技和生命科技两部分,重点发展数字技术、生命技术等相关领域的高新技术产业。

    DD port locates in Dalian of northern port in China , is a newly arisen industry area of high-technology parks in Dalian , its industry project is divided into the figure technology park and life technology park , its emphasis are figure technology and life technology etc.

  15. 自从它一年前开放以来,这座高架行人道已迎来了众多行人在这个新兴的时尚区MeatpackingDistrict(直译:肉品包装区)溜达漫步。

    Since its opening a year ago , this elevated walkway has people strolling through the meatpacking district .

  16. 在武汉东湖地区试办新兴技术开发区的浅议

    On running new tech emerging zone in the East Lake aera of Wuhan

  17. 以赣州,一个新兴的工业区在江西省,仅向广东北部。

    Take Ganzhou , a newly emerging industrial region in Jiangxi province , just to the north of Guangdong .

  18. 浅议企业抗震防灾规划编制的意义重视新兴石化工业区的抗震防灾规划&浅谈泉州市抗震防灾规划编制

    Simple discussion on the significance of planning compilation of earthquake resistance and hazard protection for city enterprise Attach Importance to The Earthquake Preparedness and Disaster Reduction Programming & about Rising Petrochemical Industrial Park

  19. 城市副中心是城市中一类新兴的功能区,对于促进城市空间结构发展意义重大,它将是城市经济、文化以及社会活动新的聚集区域。

    As a newly-appeared type of the functional district in the city , the Sub-CBD plays an important role in promoting the development of the urban spatial structure . It may also assemble the activities of the urban economy , culture and society .

  20. 他还担任美国田径基金会主席,为新兴运动员和贫民区年轻运动员提供发展支持。

    He is Chairman of the USA Track & Field Foundation , which supports emerging athletes and inner city youth athletics .

  21. 以中国为核心的东亚往往有许多独特的经济优势,可以将自身与其他新兴市场经济体区分开来。

    There are a number of distinct economic advantages that tend to set the countries of China-centred east Asia apart from their EM peers .

  22. 本文所选的临空产业区位于华北某市的某新建经济特区,是一个新兴的经济发展区。

    This paper is talked about the Airbus Nearby Industrial District , which locates in the Binhai New Area , is a newly developing economic district .

  23. 青岛海尔洲际酒店地处新兴的中央商务区,交通便利,这里将是青岛的未来的五大商圈之一。

    The new CBD where InterContinental Qingdao is situated is one of the city 's five core commercial hubs in urban planning , and easy to reach .