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  • 网络Sick dog;Ill dog
  1. 同时将建立的PCR方法应用于30份犬粪便和病犬组织的检测,并测序。

    30 feces and 12 tissue samples were detected of CPV by PCR method .

  2. 中、轻症病犬肌注维生素K1有良好治疗效果。

    Giving an intramuscular injection of Vk_1 to the diseased dogs with light and medium symptoms could achieve good results .

  3. 方法:用微波辐射ELISA和快速ELISA同步检测各期日本血吸虫病患者血清118份,健康人血清61份,并殖吸虫病犬血清12份。

    METHODS : Using microwave irradiation ELISA ( MWI ELISA ) and fast ELISA to detect specific antibodies in sera from 118 cases with schistosomiasis japonica , 61 healthy individuals and 12 paragonimiasis cases .

  4. 消灭病犬、治疗病人和在疫点用杀虫剂滞留喷洒能有效控制VL流行。

    VL could be effectively controlled by combination of dog elimination , patient treatment and focal residual spraying with insecticide .

  5. 利用人工合成的两条引物,对病犬肝脏和细胞培养物冻融上清中的1、2型犬腺病毒DNA进行多聚酶链式反应(PCR)检测;

    Two primers were synthesized and used to detect Infectious Canine Hepatitis Virus ( ICHV ) and Canine Laryngotracheitis Virus ( CLTV ), which were also referred to canine adenovirus type 1 and type 2 respectively , from infected canine liver by Polymerase Chain Reaction ( PCR ) .

  6. 从一只3月龄病犬中分离出一株犬腺病毒(CAV),暂定名为YCA18。

    A canine adenovirus ( CAV ) strain , tentatively named YCA18 , was isolated from a3 month old sick pup .

  7. 银耳制剂对急性放射病犬的治疗效果

    Effect of Tremella fuciformis Berk on Acute Radiation Sickness in Dogs

  8. 极重度骨髓型急性放射病犬综合对症治疗原则的初步探讨

    Experiments on symptomatic and supportive therapy of extremely severe acute hemopoietic radiation sickness in dogs

  9. 一例感染犬细小病毒病犬的病理学观察

    Pathology Observations of Canine Parvovirus Disease

  10. 慢性乳头状溃疡性脓皮病犬脓皮病病原菌的分离鉴定与药敏试验

    Isolation , identification and drug sensitivity test for the pathogenic bacteria from Seborrheic skin in dogs

  11. 在收治的343例病犬中,治愈279例,治愈率高达81.34%,显著高于其他治疗方法的治疗效果。

    1.279 dogs were recovered . the cure rate was 81.34 % , which is very significant compared with other treatment .

  12. 通过对18例病犬、猫进行B超检查,并参考相关文献,对腹腔弱回声区提出了鉴别诊断方法。

    And the diagnosis and discrimination method was advanced on the basis of examining 18 cases of dogs and cats and referring to some related references .

  13. 因此,建立一种准确、特异和灵敏的诊断方法,对于犬细小病犬的早诊断、早隔离、早治疗具有重要意义。

    Therefore , it is important to establish an accurate , specific and sensitive diagnostic method for early diagnosis and isolation and treatment of canine distemper dogs .

  14. 子宫蓄脓症的治疗方法包括保守治疗与手术治疗,保守治疗有可能保留病犬的生育能力,但极易复发,手术治疗较彻底,但有一定的风险性。

    Conservative treatment probably can retain the fertility of dogs , but it is easy to relapse ; surgical treatment is more thorough , but it will have a certain risk .

  15. 1978年前由于彻底灭犬,使病人数大为降低,但后来随养犬数量增多,病犬与病人俱增;

    Before 1978 the num ber of cases was greatly reduced followed a thorough campaign of the elimination of the dogs , but later the numbers of the diseased dogs and patients increased with the increasing number of the dogs .

  16. 从1只临床表现呼吸道症状的濒死病犬肺脏分离到1株病毒,经理化特性、血凝性、核酸型、血凝抑制试验和电镜观察,鉴定为犬呼肠孤病毒3型。

    One virus strain was isolated from lungs of a clinically infected dog . The isolate was identified to be canine reovirus types 3 by physico chemical properties , hemagglutination , nucleic acid type , hemagglutination inhibition test and electron microscopy .

  17. 从我国内蒙古地区流行的犬细小病毒病病犬的肠溶物中分离提纯犬细小病毒(CPV)。

    The DNA of Canine Parvovirus Inner Mongolia isolate ( CPV IM ) was isolated from the enteric lysate of virus infected dog showing enteritis symptoms .

  18. 犬体外寄生虫和皮肤病是犬的一种常见疾病。

    Canine ectoparasite disease and dermatosis are common .

  19. 五种病引起犬跛行的诊断

    The Diagnosis of Lameness Caused by Five Diseases

  20. 犬冠状病毒病和犬波氏杆菌病犬三年的发病数分别为310头和487头。

    There were 310 and 487 cases of CCV infection and Canine Bordetellosis , respectively .

  21. 方法观察感染不同程度华支睾吸虫病实验犬的血清酶学及肝脏病理学改变。

    Methods Serum enzyme activity and liver pathology were examined in dogs infected with different number of larvae of Clonorchis sinensis .

  22. 皮肤真菌病是犬常见的皮肤传染病,可在犬与犬之间,犬与人之间互相传染。

    Dermatophytosis is a common skin infectious disease in dogs . It can be spreaded among dogs or between dog and human being .

  23. 犬细小病毒病是犬常见的一种病毒性疾病,易引起溃疡性肠炎和腹泻。

    In our national canine parvovirus in dogs is a very common infection of the disease , ulcerative colitis dogs easily aroused and diarrhea .

  24. 皮肤丝状菌病是犬、猫的常见传染病,并且可以在动物与人之间,动物与动物之间互相传染。

    Dermatophytosis is a common infectious disease in dogs and cats , and it can be infected each other within pets or between pets and human beings .

  25. 弄清TF增强犬免疫功能的细胞和分子机制,无疑将为TF临床用于犬病尤其是犬传染病的防治提供理论依据和指导。

    So clarification of cellular and molecular mechanism of TF as enhancer for canine immune function will definitely contribute abundant theoretic evidences and instructions to control of canine diseases , especially canine infectious diseases .

  26. 目的通过犬的染色体核型分析,为诊断犬染色体病以及进行犬的分子细胞学研究奠定了基础。

    Objective To study the domestic dog chromosome abnormalities by karyotyping .

  27. 该病对养犬业造成了极大的威胁。

    The disease has caused a great threat to the dog raising .

  28. 据病理学变化结合临床症状,本病诊断为犬脑垂体囊肿。

    This disease is diagnosed as hypophyseal cysts according to pathologic changes and clinical symptoms .

  29. 犬乳腺肿瘤是小动物临床常见的一种母犬肿瘤病,对犬的健康构成严重的威胁。

    In veterinary clinic , canine mammary tumor is a common type of tumors in female dogs which threatens the health of dogs .

  30. 据石河子兽医防疫部门统计,在当地犬的各种传染病中,犬细小病毒性肠炎发病率、死亡率均为最高,为犬的主要传染病之一。

    According to the statistical data of veterinary office in Shihezi region , CPV is the primar cause of morbidity and mortality of various infectious diseases in dogs .