
  1. “包括大学生在内的年轻人在游戏产业中占有很大优势,在开发Flash技术为基础的迷你社区游戏上尤是如此,“网站社区游戏开发经理李旭说,”在这项技术的了解掌握上,他们比资深职场人士更驾轻就熟。”

    Young people , including university students , have advantages in the gaming industry , especially in developing mini social games mainly based on Flash technology , explains Li Xu , the website 's social game development manager . " They understand the technology more easily than those who 're older . "

  2. 我们希望上海双年展更加国际化,当代艺术馆副馆长李旭说,这是新的文化自信。

    We want the Shanghai Biennale to be more international , said Li Xu , deputy director of the Power Station . This is a new kind of cultural confidence .