
  1. 我认为没有理由过于乐观,在针对搜索巨擘百度的一宗诉讼中代表一家小型医药商的李长青表示。

    I think there 's no reason to be overly optimistic , said Li Changqing , who represents a small Chinese medicine trader in the lawsuit against Baidu , the online search company .

  2. 周连康和李长青都是作为外国研修生来到日本的,这是一个政府支持项目,目的是培养研修生的高级技能,以便他们回国后能学有所用。

    Mr Zhou and Mr Li went to Japan as foreign trainees who were supposed to acquire high-level skills on a government-sanctioned programme that aimed to nurture skills they could use once they returned home .