
  1. 重庆罪犯李庄法庭高声抱怨法庭未执行“辩诉交易”。

    Convict shouts in court claiming'plea bargain'was not carried out .

  2. 我们在李庄要待多久?

    How long will we be at Li zhuang ?

  3. 在通往李庄的大路两边,都是茂密的芝麻田。

    Fields of thickly planted sesame lined the road to the Lizhuang village .

  4. 长江第一古镇李庄的流水月光

    The First Ancient Town along Yangtze River

  5. 尽管李庄在中国法律界是个争议性人物,但他被定罪让许多律师感到害怕。

    Although Mr Li is a controversial figure in Chinese legal circles , his conviction has terrified lawyers .

  6. 社论列举上月开庭审理的李庄案,李庄被指为其当事人之一编造证据。

    Li Zhuang went on trial last month for allegedly fabricating evidence in support of one of his clients .

  7. 法院以辩护人伪造证据、妨害作证罪判处李庄有期徒刑1年6个月。

    Court counsel fabricating evidence , obstruction of evidence Zhuang sentenced to imprisonment for 1 year and 6 months .

  8. 第二部分价值衡量方法,以价值衡量为视角探讨了李庄案所体现出来的价值选择。

    The second part measure of the value , discussed the choice of value reflected in " LiZhuang case " .

  9. 2009年发生在重庆的李庄案无疑是此类案件最受关注的案件之一。

    Occurred in 2009 in Chongqing , Li Zhuang case of such cases is undoubtedly one of the most talked about cases .

  10. 为重庆一名黑帮分子担任辩护律师的李庄被捕,更是加剧了这种担忧。

    These fears have been heightened by the arrest of Li Zhuang , a lawyer who was representing one of the Chongqing gangsters .

  11. 在被告人当庭宣称遭到警方拷打后,李庄被指控怂恿他的委托人撒谎。

    After the defendant claimed in court to have been tortured by the police , Mr Li was charged with encouraging his client to lie .

  12. 根据法院所认定的证据进行分析,李庄对刑讯逼供有合理的怀疑根据,因此缺乏本罪的直接犯罪故意。

    According to the evidence the court finds the analysis , Li Zhuang of torture based on reasonable suspicion , so the lack of direct criminal intent of this crime .

  13. 李庄,50岁,是来自北京的一名刑事律师,周四在重庆出庭接受审判。他被指控煽动一位客户作伪证。

    Li Zhuang , 50 , a criminal lawyer from Beijing , went on trial Tuesday in the city of Chongqing , accused of inciting a client to falsify evidence .

  14. 在犯罪客观方面主要表现在两个方面即犯罪行为,公诉机关认为李庄以告诉程琪案情的方式引诱程琪作伪证。

    In the objective aspect of crime is mainly manifested in two aspects that crime , the public prosecutor to tell the way that Li Zhuang Qi Qi Cheng lure the way the case of perjury .

  15. 在2009年底发生李庄案后,关于辩护人伪造证据、妨害作证罪的争论一直没有停止过,类似的案件也不时的一再发生。

    The case of Li Zhuang in the end of 2009 , the controversy about the defender fabricated evidence and prejudiced to testify has not stopped , and the similar cases often occur from time to time .

  16. 法院判处李庄的刑罚偏重,从材料反应出的案情来看,本案李庄的行为构成妨害作证罪的中止状态。

    Li Zhuang sentenced to the penalty emphasis , reflecting the circumstances of the case from the material point of view , the behavior of Li Zhuang case constitutes the crime of obstruction of the suspension of the state to testify .

  17. 在当前的刑事辩护环境和李庄的犯罪行为的程度以及本案的社会效果来看,对李庄的行为免除处罚,以达到法律效果与社会效果的统一。

    In the current environment and Li Zhuang criminal defense criminal acts and the extent of the social effects of this case point of view , the behavior of Li Zhuang exempted from punishment , in order to achieve the legal effects and social effects of unification .