
  1. 李可染因参与一八艺社活动而被革。

    Li Keran is fired for joining the One Eight Art Society .

  2. 李可染水墨写生画展在北京举办。

    An exhibition of the ink sketches of Li Keran is held in Beijing .

  3. 抗战前后李可染艺术风格转变的原因

    The Transformation Causes of LiKe-ran 's Art Style Before and After the War of Resist-Japanese

  4. 如果说黄宾虹的艺术更加文人化,那么,李可染的艺术则更加大众化,后者更易于被广大读者所接受。

    Huang 's art is more appreciated by the educated , while the works of Li Keran are more popular among the ordinary people .

  5. 李可染是通过山水写生来改造中国画的实践者,是古典山水画向现代山水画过渡的大师。

    Li Ke-ran is a practician to transform Chinese paintings through sketching on nature , is a great master from classic landscape paintings to modern ones .

  6. 李可染在吸取前人和同代人艺术优长的基础上,非常重视生活,重视写生。

    Li Keran studied the best painting techniques of ancient and modern painters , and at the same time , paid attention to real life in drawing sketches .

  7. 其中也不乏涌现出一些佳作,如李可染,石鲁等艺术家为追求继续发展中国山水画而创作的一些作品。

    With some emerged in some masterpieces , such as section of the navy political Shill for pursuit , artists such as continued development of Chinese landscape painting and creation of some of the works .

  8. 李可染山水画,从写生到创作的发展过程中的成果和经验,是学习和研究中国画所必需的,也是二十世纪中国美术史的重要课题。

    The achievements and experiences in the process from sketching to creation in his landscape painting , is the necessity in learning and studying Chinese paintings , and also an important topic of Chinese fine art history in 20th century .