
  • 网络Li Nan;Douglas Nam Le
  1. 他是一个和李南一样大的加拿大人。

    He is a Canadian as old as Li Nan .

  2. 李南希望他很快就能来中国。

    Li Nan hopes he can come to China soon .

  3. 一个是李南,中国人,小个儿,有礼貌,很友好。

    There was Nan Li , a Chinese , short , correct , friendly .

  4. 从他的信中李南知道他遇到一些语法问题。

    From his letter Li Nan knew that he had some trouble in the grammar .

  5. 餐馆的李南和中国佛教协会的和尚圆持向学生捐赠了超过五万三千元的食物。

    May21st.Li Nan , left of Duyi ju restaurant , and Yuan Chi , a monk with the China Buddhist Association , received cheers from students .

  6. 李南表示:股价已经反映了某些坏的结果。投资者考虑到了许多负面因素,但没有硬着陆的场景。

    The valuations are already factoring in some bad outcomes . Investors have priced in a lot of negatives , but not a hard-landing scenario , Mr Li said .