
  1. 可是,问题在于张兆和对沈从文毫无感觉。

    But the problem is that Zhang showed no affection to Shen .

  2. 沈从文和张兆和在生前,就是一对被搭错了红线的怨偶。

    Shen Chongwen and Zhang Zhaohe were exactly a wrong pair when they were alive .

  3. 年轻的张兆和并不懂拒绝,只好以沉默抵抗,只字不回。

    Zhang was very young at that time and did not know how to refuse him .

  4. 那时,张兆和是学校里出了名的美人,追随者甚众。

    At that time , Zhang was a well-known beauty in school with a wealth of pursuers .

  5. 为了接近张兆和,沈从文甚至和张兆和的闺密王华莲交上了朋友。

    In order to get close to Zhang , Shen even made friends with her bosom friend , Wang Hualian .

  6. 沈从文见张兆和仍然不为所动,便抛出了软硬兼施的策略。

    Seeing that Zhang was not moved by his letters , Shen utilized a strategy combing both " hard " and " soft " means .