
  1. 张娜在留学中介碰到的另一个问题就是留学顾问换不停。

    Another problem Zhang experienced with the agent was changing consultants .

  2. 24岁的张娜(音译)是西北大学考古系学生。

    Zhang Na , 24 , is an archaeology major of Northwest University .

  3. 在刘琳老师张娜的眼里,刘琳是一个模范生。

    In the eyes of Liu 's teacher Zhang Na , the girl is an exemplary student .

  4. 一开始,整个进程很顺利,但当张娜阅读自己的推荐信时却发现了一个问题。

    At first , the process was smooth , but when Zhang read her recommendation letter she noticed a problem .

  5. 上海市出入境服务中心有限公司韩国部负责人舒慧(音译)承认,像张娜这样的情况不在少数。

    Shu Hui , head of the Korean department at the Shanghai Overseas Affairs Service Center Co Ltd , admits that Zhang 's experience is not unusual .