
  1. 张丽莉虽已恢复意识,但仍无法说话。

    Zhang has regained consciousness , but remains unable to speak .

  2. 张丽莉目前正在哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院接受救治。

    Zhang iscurrently receiving treatment at the first hospital affiliated with Harbin Medical University .

  3. 张丽莉是黑龙江省佳木斯市第十九中学的一位教师。

    Zhang Lili is a teacher at the No. 19 Middle School in Jiamusi , Heilongjiang Province .

  4. 事发前的张丽莉身高一米六八,活泼开朗敬业。

    Zhang was once a 168-cm-tall lively and cheerful young woman who had dedicated herself entirely to her job .

  5. 今年5月8日,在一辆失控的客车冲向学生时,张丽莉为救学生而身受重伤。

    She sustained serious injuries after saving two students from being hit by an oncoming bus on May 8 , 2012 .

  6. 张丽莉老师的英雄事迹感动了许许多多的人,人们称誉她为“最美女教师”。

    Zhang 's act of heroism has moved numerous people . She was even named " most beautiful teacher " by netizens .

  7. 截至27日,佳木斯市慈善总会接到社会各界为张丽莉老师的定向爱心捐款已达1157万元。

    According to the Harbin Charity Society , donations flooding in from various circles had reached 11.57 million yuan ( US $ 1.82 million ) by May 27 .

  8. 危急之下,张丽莉将学生推向一旁,自己却被碾到车下,造成双腿高位截肢,骨盆粉碎性骨折。

    Zhang managed to push both students out of the vehicle 's destructive path , but she herself did get run over . Her legs were crushed and later had to be amputated above the knee .

  9. 张丽莉1984年1月19日在佳木斯出生,1999年考入依兰师范学校,2004年专升本进入大庆师范学院,2007年毕业于哈尔滨师范大学,毕业后就职于佳木斯市第十九中学,任语文老师。

    Born on Jan. 19 , 1984 in Jiamusi , Zhang enrolled in Yilan Normal School in 1999 and went on to attend Daqing Normal University in 2004 . She graduated from Harbin Normal University in 2007 and has worked at the Jiamusi No. 19 Middle School ever since , teaching Chinese language and literature .