
  1. 张祜的诗歌理论、主张

    The Theory and Proposition of the Poems of Zhang Hu

  2. 本文在前人研究的基础上,对张祜诗歌风格作了较为完整的研究分析。

    This thesis makes a comparatively comprehensive analysis on the styles of his poems .

  3. 张祜是中晚唐之际的著名诗人,诗歌创作题材丰富。

    Zhang Hu was a famous poet of mid-late Tang Dynasty whose poems were of great many subjects .

  4. 张祜是中晚唐之交的著名诗人,诗名早著,尤以宫词和题咏寺庙诗而闻名。

    Zhang Hu is one of the famous poets who lived in the middle and late Tang Dynasty .

  5. 张祜是中晚唐著名诗人,对其诗歌的注释、辨伪、辑佚工作,学术界已经取得了不少成绩,但也存在一些不足。

    Though there are great achievements in annotation , differentiation and collection of Zhanghu 's poetry in academia , some amendments still need to be made .