
nán jīnɡ lù
  • Nanjing road
  1. 淮海路是与南京路齐名的旅游、购物街。

    Huaihai Road and Nanjing road is a famous tourist shopping street .

  2. 在南京路,每天上午11点半,都会有人排队购买上海小南国(ShanghaiMin)售价15元的白领套餐。小南国是该市历史最为悠久的一家连锁餐饮店。

    Further down Nanjing Road , a queue forms by 11.30am every day for the Rmb15 worker set lunch at Shanghai Min , one of the city 's oldest dining chains .

  3. 那会是南京路,它是一条双线道。

    It will be Nanjing road . It 's two-lane traffic .

  4. 南京路是上海商业的黄金地带。

    Nanjing Road is a prime commercial area in Shanghai .

  5. 欢迎参加我们的“南京路一日游”活动。

    You are welcome to our " One-day Tour of Nanjing Road "!

  6. 南京路步行街上的观光车十分繁忙。

    Busy sight-seeing cars in Pedestrian street of Nanjing Road .

  7. 是该冲出去到南京路的时候了。

    It is time to rush out to Nanjing Road .

  8. 上海市南京路步行街设计

    The Design of Nanjing Road Pedestrian Mall in Shanghai

  9. 南京路真是购物、观光的最受欢迎之地。

    Nanjing Road is indeed the most popular place for shopping and sightseeing .

  10. 从南京路到东方明珠电视塔要5分钟时间。

    From Nanjing Road to Oriental Pearl TV Tower will take five minutes .

  11. 我门的心办公室迁至南京路140号。

    We have move to our new office located at No.140 nankeen road .

  12. 介绍了上海南京路步行街改建的方案。

    This paper introduces the reconstruction plan of Nanjing Road Walking Street , Shanghai .

  13. 沿着南京路快速步行,会让你想起很多熟悉的名字。

    A quick walk along Nanjing Road will remind you of many similar names .

  14. 他们一道沿着南京路遛去。

    They strolled away together along Nanjing Road .

  15. 由南京路街往下走约五个街道。

    Come down Nanjing road about five blocks .

  16. 昨天,平安夜,和小乔去了南京路。

    Yesterday , the Christmas Eve , Xiaoqiao and I went to the Nanjing Road .

  17. 在总结前人研究以及实地调查的基础上发现,上海已经形成了虹桥开发区、陆家嘴金融贸易区、静安南京路、卢湾淮海路和黄浦外滩5个办公中心。

    Based on former studies and field investigations five major office centers were found in Shanghai .

  18. 对外滩和旧城区有历史兴趣的狂热爱好者来说,南京路对购物者也充满着诱惑力。

    While the Bund and old Chinese city interest history buffs , Nanjing Road excites shoppers .

  19. 中国上海的南京路

    Nanjing Road , Shanghai , China

  20. 南京路有多长?

    How long is Nanjing Road ?

  21. 劳驾,你能告诉我南京路怎么走吗,谢谢!

    Excuse me , Can you show me the way to NanJing road , thank you .

  22. 南京路附近的十字路口站在什么是目前唯一铜像沿外滩。

    Near the Nanjing Road intersection stands what is currently the only bronze statue along the Bund .

  23. 据说,南京路每日客流量达100万人次。

    The street is said to be visited by as many as one million people each day .

  24. 这一群游走于社会边缘人群,他们聚集在南京路的各个巷口。

    Treading on the fringes of society , these people gather together in the alleys near Nanjing Road .

  25. 是该为了零点打折冲出去到南京路、横扫各个商店的时候了。

    It is time to rush out to Nanjing Road to sweep the stores for the last-minute discount .

  26. 这不仅因为南京路位于上海市中心,而且还因为它是上海的购物中心。

    This is because it is not only central but also the heart of Shanghai 's shopping centre .

  27. 南京路有上海最大的百货商店、服装店、食品店和工艺品店。

    Nanjing Road has Shanghai 's biggest department store , garments stores , foodstuff stores and arts and crafts stores .

  28. 在南京路商业区,你们能找到各式各样的服装、食品和特色商品。

    You can find a wide range of clothing , food and specialty goods in the Nanjing Road shopping area .

  29. 繁忙的南京路不仅是一条店铺林立的街道,也是名牌货商店的一个中心。

    The busy Nanjing Road is not only a street with many stores but also a center of speciality shops .

  30. 南京路步行街吸引了580万游客和居民,而外滩创下320万的记录。

    Nanjing Road E. pedestrian street attracted 5.8 million tourists and residents , while 3.2 million were recorded at the Bund .