
  • 网络Yuxian paper-cut
  1. 蔚县剪纸作为张家口的独特文化及艺术形式,深深地吸引了我。

    Yuxian paper-cut as the unique culture of Zhangjiakou and art forms , deeply attracted me .

  2. 蔚县剪纸原名窗花,属中国民间剪纸艺术中的精品。

    Wei County Paper-cut , originally called window decoration , is the artistic treasure of Chinese folk Paper-cut .

  3. 蔚县剪纸相传已有近二百年历史。

    It is said that the paper-cutting of Yu County has a history of nearly two hundred years .

  4. 蔚县剪纸制作经手工熏样、焖纸、刀刻、染色等数道工序而成。

    Wei County Paper-cut is produced under the processions of hand-made patterns , braising the paper , knife cutting and coloring etc.

  5. 陕西窗花风格粗朴豪放,单纯简练,河北蔚县和山西广灵剪纸加染色彩,浓厚中透着秀美艳丽,而中国南方省份的剪纸精美细致,装饰性强。

    Shanxi window papercuts are simple and bold ; papercuts from Hebei Province and Shanxi Province are bright in color ; papercuts in southern provinces are delicate and fine .