
  • 网络The azure sea;THE WATER IS WIDE
  1. 我只知道有蔚蓝的海,

    I have seen the blue sea all along ,

  2. 我只知道有蔚蓝的海,却原来还有碧绿的江。

    I 've seen the blue sea all along , Little aware of this green River .

  3. 我觉得我的生命的风帆,已从蔚蓝的海,驶进了碧绿的江。

    I felt the sailing boat of my life steering its way into the green River after leaving the blue sea behind .

  4. 魔鬼和那湾蔚蓝深邃的海

    The devil and the deep blue sea

  5. 美丽蔚蓝的爱琴海见证了这所大学的飞速发展。

    The beautiful blue Aegean Sea is a witness to the rapid development of this university .