
wèi lán hǎi àn
  • Blue Coast;coast of the blue ocean
  1. 上述地区能与蔚蓝海岸(C?ted'Azur)、米兰及巴巴多斯等更具异国情调的区域比肩,这一事实验证了过去10年英国房地产牛市的强劲程度。

    The fact that these rub shoulders with more exotic locations such as the C ? te d'Azur , Milan and Barbados attests to the strength of the bull run in house prices in the UK during the past decade .

  2. 事实上,它是在Hyères,法国作家斯特凡Liégeard创造的长期蔚蓝海岸(蔚蓝海岸)。

    In fact it was in Hy è res that the French writer St é phane Li é geard coined the Coted'Azur ( azure coast ) .

  3. 法国蔚蓝海岸天文台(d’AzurObservatory)的太阳系动力学专家亚历山德罗·莫比德利(AlessandroMorbidelli)觉得可信。

    Alessandro Morbidelli of the d'Azur Observatory in France , an expert in dynamics of the solar system , said he was convinced .

  4. 影片的背景设定在上世纪20年代的法国蔚蓝海岸,整部影片浸淫在达赖厄斯・甘地(DariusKhondji)拍摄技术所营造的煦暖之中。

    The time is the 1920s and the setting is the C ô te d'Azur , basking in the gauzy warmth of Darius Khondji 's cinematography .

  5. 蔚蓝海岸科尼岛

    The Cote d'Azur , Coney Island .

  6. 我们坐在简陋的公寓里喝着酒吃着凉匹萨就好像我们住在法国的蔚蓝海岸

    And we 'd sit in that crappy apartment and drink it over cold pizza and pretend we were living in the cote d'azur .

  7. 最新公布的一份报告显示,从莫斯科到法国尼斯蔚蓝海岸是全球最热门的私人飞机航线。

    The most popular private jet route in the world is a flight from Moscow to Nice / Cote d ' Azur in France , according to a new report .