
  1. 由中国人创办的蔚来汽车生产的电动超跑NioEP9在著名的德国赛道上跑出了单圈6分45.90秒的成绩。

    The Nio EP9 an electric supercar built by Chinese startup NextEV lapped the famous German racetrack in just 6 minutes 45.90 seconds .

  2. 11月21日,中国电动汽车制造商蔚来汽车在伦敦的萨奇艺术馆展出了其EP9车型以及其NIO品牌和标志。

    On Nov. 21 , Chinese electric carmaker NextEV unveiled its EP9 model at the Saatchi Gallery in London , along with its NIO brand and logo .

  3. 蔚来汽车计划不晚于2016年年底推出高性能的“超级跑车”(supercar)。该公司背后的投资方包括中美两国的知名投资机构高瓴资本(HillhouseCapital)和红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)。

    NextEV , whose backers include prominent Chinese and US investment firms Hillhouse Capital and Sequoia Capital , plans to launch a high-performance " supercar " by the end of 2016 .

  4. 像电动汽车先驱特斯拉(TeslaMotors)一样,蔚来汽车的目标也是利用高端汽车上磨练出的技术来进军大众市场。蔚来汽车将首先在中国发布一款乘用车,但发布日期不详。

    Like electric car pioneer Tesla Motors , it aims to use technology honed in a high-end vehicle to move into the mass market , with a passenger car slated for launch first in China at an unspecified date .

  5. 硅谷知名女性高管伍丝丽(PadmasreeWarrior)已签约出任中国电动汽车创业型企业蔚来汽车(NextEV)美国分部的负责人。这件事再度凸显出,汽车业对软件人才的需求日益高涨。

    Padmasree Warrior , one of Silicon Valley 's most prominent female executives , has signed on to run the US arm of Chinese electric car start-up NextEV , in the latest sign of the auto industry 's surging demand for software talent .

  6. 蔚来汽车经常被拿来与特斯拉相比。

    NextEV is often compared to Tesla .

  7. 蔚来公司称第二次试跑成绩提高了19.22秒是因为更好的天气状况。

    Nio said the 19.22-second improvement was achieved thanks to better weather conditions on the second attempt .

  8. 第一批蔚来汽车将在未来几个月内上市。

    The first batch of NextEV cars will come onto the market in the next few months .

  9. 不过李斌解释称,特斯拉是上一代电动汽车的产品,而蔚来汽车则代表的是新一代。

    However , Li explained that Tesla is a product of the last generation of electric vehicles , while NextEV represents the new generation .

  10. 据蔚来汽车的首席执行官李斌表示,该公司将与中国其他的汽车制造商合作生产,而不是建设新工厂。

    According to Li Bin , CEO of NextEV , the company will cooperate with other carmakers in China for production , rather than building new factories .

  11. 伍丝丽还说,蔚来汽车正在想方设法利用移动互联网来“改善‘拥有一辆汽车的’体验”,但她没有透露更多细节。

    NextEV is looking at ways of using the mobile internet to " improve the experience of owning an automobile " she added , without giving any more details .

  12. 此外他还表示,蔚来汽车的产品将比特斯拉汽车便宜得多,因为蔚来汽车针对的是中国一、二线城市的消费者。

    In addition , he said that NextEV products will be much less expensive than Tesla vehicles , as NextEV is targeting consumers in a variety of first - and second-tier cities in China .

  13. 蔚来公司没有提供其0到60英里时速的加速时间,但声称EP9可在7.1秒内加速至最高时速200公里(0到时速124英里)。

    While Nio won 't quote a 0 to 60 mph time it claims the EP9 can do 0 to 200 kph ( 0 to 124 mph ) in 7.1 seconds and reach a top speed of 124 mph .

  14. 蓝色眼影化妆师在穿MichaelKors、RebeccaMinkoff、JennyPackham和KateSpade礼服的模特脸上戏剧化地扫了一层蔚蓝色的眼影来象征春天的蓝色天空。

    Blue Eye ShadowThe makeup artists at Michael Kors , Rebecca Minkoff , Jenny Packham , and Kate Spade channeled spring 's blue skies with a dramatic sweep of cerulean shadow .