
  • 网络Fertilization;fertigation;technique of fertilization
  1. 通过研究建立红枣营养诊断标准,提出N、P、K等元素适宜用量和比例,以及相应的施肥技术。

    Based on study on the nutrition diagnosis standards of jujube , proper rate and ratio of N , P , K fertilizers and fertilization technology was put forward . 1 .

  2. 本研究探索我国现阶段小农户分散经营条件下的信息化土壤养分管理技术规程,集GIS、测土推荐施肥技术,建立了土壤养分管理及决策信息系统平台。

    The study devised technology process of soil nutrient information management used in the distract farmer management in China in nowadays , established the systems of management and decision-making of soil nutrient by combining GIS and computer recommend fertilization .

  3. 蔬菜CO2施肥技术现状及展望

    The Techniques Status and Perspective Of CO 2 ENrichment In Vegetables

  4. 温室CO2施肥技术及研究进展

    Progress in Study of Techniques CO _ 2 for Enrichment in Greenhouse

  5. 设施蔬菜CO2施肥技术研究

    Advances in technique studies of CO2 enrichment in protected vegetables

  6. 利用工业尾气进行大棚蔬菜CO2施肥技术体系研究

    Technique system of applying CO_2 from industrial exhaust gas to greenhouse vegetable

  7. CO2施肥技术现状与发展

    Present Status and Development of CO _ 2 Application Technology

  8. 设施栽培中CO2施肥技术的应用

    The Application of CO_2 Fertilizer Technology in Equipped Environment

  9. 本文对国内外设施中CO2施肥技术的研究结果进行了综述。

    This article gives the general description of research results of CO_2 fertilizer technology application in domestic and foreign countries .

  10. 日光温室CO2对蔬菜的影响及施肥技术日光温室土壤-植物-环境系统水热耦合运移动态模拟

    Fertilizer Practice and CO_2 Impact Analysis to Vegetable in Sunlight Greenhouse Dynamic Simulation of Coupled Water and Heat Transfer in Soil-plant-environment Continuum in Solar Greenhouse

  11. 系统分析了温室内CO2浓度变化的影响因素,建立了温室内CO2平衡数学模型和CO2施肥技术模型,编制了相关计算机程序对模型进行了验证。

    The models of carbon dioxide balance and carbon dioxide enrichment in greenhouse are established and the relative computer programs for dynamic simulation of carbon dioxide concentration are developed and verified .

  12. 研究了中粳稻9404适宜栽培密度和施肥技术,结果表明:该品种的适宜栽插密度为:45万穴/ha,2-3本基本苗/穴。

    The optimum planting density and fertilization techniques of semilate Japonica rice 9404 were studied . The optimum combination of cultivation measures was as follows : 0.45 million hills / ha . 2-3 seedlings / hill ;

  13. 烤烟新品系HY-9-7经济施肥技术研究

    Study on Economic Manuring Technique of New Strain HY-9-7 of Flue-cured Tobacco

  14. 文章介绍了解决常规平衡配套施肥技术,在基层实践中应用的局限与实施绿色(有机)经济区建设的需要而实施的CP技术。

    This paper introduces CP technique that is practiced for the purpose of solving the limitation of the application of conventional balancing systematic fertilizing techniques in floor application and meeting the needs of the construction of the green ( organic ) economic zone .

  15. 毛竹施肥技术经济效果研究

    Study on economic benefit of fertilizer application in Phyllostachys pubescens Forest

  16. 基于数据包络分析的变量施肥技术经济分析

    Technical Economic Analysis of Variable-rate Fertilization Based on Data Envelopment Analysis

  17. 组合施肥技术对黑土肥力影响的研究

    Effect of combined fertilizers application techniques on the black soil fertility

  18. 温室生菜滴灌施肥技术研究

    Study on the Fertilization of Greenhouse Lactuca sativa by Drip Irrigation

  19. 水稻缓释性多元磁化复合肥施肥技术及其应用效果

    Application Effects of Slow-release and Magnetized Polybasic Compound Fertilizer in Rice

  20. 草莓吸肥特点和施肥技术研究

    Study on nutrient absorption characteristics and fertilizer application technique of Strawberry

  21. 桐城市土壤肥力监测与施肥技术应用

    Test of Soil Fertility in Tongcheng City and Technique of Fertilization

  22. 马铃薯看叶施肥技术的初步研究

    A preliminary study on potato fertilizing technique by diagnosing leaf age

  23. 七是花生高产优质高效施肥技术研究。

    Seven peanuts are high quality and high yield Research fertilization .

  24. 露地越冬甜菜采种施肥技术研究

    Study on Applying Fertilizer Technology of the Over Winter Seed Beet

  25. 灰色关联分析在玉米高产施肥技术上的应用

    Application of Grey Relational Analysis to High-Yield Fertilization Technique of Corn

  26. 石斛兰营养特性及施肥技术初探

    Study on the Nutrition Properties of Dendrobium and the Fertilization Technique

  27. 南阳烟区土壤养分状况及施肥技术

    Nutrients in soils of Nanyang Tobacco Growing Areas and Fertilizing Technology

  28. 设施无公害菜豆平衡施肥技术方案

    Technological Scheme of Balanced Fertilization of Non-polluted Bean in Protected Cultivation

  29. 小麦精量播种部件及侧深施肥技术的研究

    A study on the precision seeding and side deep fertilizing technique

  30. 生态平衡施肥技术产业化模式和机制研究

    Studies on Industrialization Mode and Mechanism of Ecological Balanced Fertilization Technique