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wǔ kǒu zhī jiā
  • a family of five
五口之家[wǔ kǒu zhī jiā]
  1. 那儿能住下五口之家。

    There 's room in there for a family of five

  2. 他感到要负担一个五口之家很困难。

    He found it so hard to maintain a family of five .

  3. 他要用相当于400英镑的月收入来维持五口之家的生计,感觉很艰难。

    He had to feed his family on the equivalent of four hundred pounds a month and , with five mouths to feed , he found this very hard .

  4. 一套单元房可容纳一个五口之家。

    One flat can accommodate a family of five .

  5. 我祖母养育了五口之家。

    My grandmother raised a family of five .

  6. 我的家是一个充满亲情,洋溢和谐的五口之家。

    My family has five members and it is full of love and harmony .

  7. 她只需每月为她的五口之家花费2美元的健康保险。

    The health insurance costs two dollars a month for her family of five .

  8. 你无法用每周100美元的收入来养活一个五口之家。

    You can 't feed a family of five on $ 100 a week .

  9. 三年前,唐运昌家却遭受了一连串的病痛打击,几场手术下来,这个五口之家已一贫如洗。

    Three years ago , the family of five was after it was beset by medical problems .

  10. 每一种食物配给足以供一个五口之家一个月的生活,包括小麦面粉、面条和西红柿酱。

    Each food ration is enough to feed a family of five for one month and includes wheat flour , pasta and tomato paste .

  11. 后来,我有了一个五口之家,现在孩子们也全都有了自己的家庭,而迪克也在几年前去世了。

    I 've since raised a family of five , all of whom now have families of their own , and Dick passed away a few years ago .

  12. 问题是,我们在那里违反平等和性质在我们的选举制度,是一个五口之家获得更多的选票没有超过一个家庭的两个。

    Theproblem is , where we violate equality and nature in our voting system , is that a family of five gets no more votes than a family of two .

  13. 第凡尼麦金农含眼泪说,当周二,丈夫阿德里安和自己回到一周没会的家中时,发现窃贼将这个五口之家拥有的一切偷得几乎一点不剩。

    Adrian and Tiffany McKinnon returned home on Tuesday after a week away to find that thieves had emptied almost everything the family of five owned , Tiffany McKinnon said through tears .