
  • 网络square;May Fourth Square
  1. 青岛的标志是“五月的风”,位于青岛东南方的五四广场,毗邻奥林匹克帆船基地。

    Qingdao 's logo is " May wind ", is located " Wusi Square ", which is nearby the Olympic sailing base .

  2. 站在青岛五四广场上,耳边回响着“还我青岛”的声声呐喊,那些热血青年为了中华民族的觉醒抛头颅、洒热血;

    Station in Qing Dao five four square , echoing ear " still I Qing Dao " sound of cry , the young blood to the awakening of the Chinese nation shed , shed blood ;