
  • 网络laoshan district
  1. 崂山区中水利用规划

    Wastewater reclamation and reuse planning in Laoshan District

  2. 青岛市崂山区海岛资源的持续利用

    Sustained Utilization of Island Resource in the Laoshan District of Qingdao

  3. 旅游业:崂山区拥有丰富的自然资源,区内拥有石老人国家旅游度假区、崂山国家4A级风景名胜区,旅游业发展前景广阔。

    Tourism : Laoshan is rich in natural resources , Shilaoren National Tour Resort and Laoshan National4A Grade Scenic Spot are located in this district .

  4. 本文结合青岛市崂山区的弱电管道工程,详细介绍了PVC多孔管的性能、特点及施工时须注意的问题。

    To take as an example the construction of powerless pipeline in Laoshan District of Qingdao , the PVC porous pipes are introduced in details on their capabilities , characteristics and problems in use with which might be faced .

  5. 青岛市崂山区水资源可持续利用研究

    Study on the Sustainable Utilization of Water Resources in Laoshan District , Qingdao City

  6. 崂山区地质灾害及隐患点发育的类型主要是滑坡、崩塌和泥石流。

    The main geohazard types of this area are landslide , rockfall and debris flow .

  7. 崂山区饮用水源地污染状况分析及防治初探

    Environmental Pollution Condition Analysis and Cure Research of Drinking Water Source Region in Laoshan District

  8. 崂山区茶园土壤重金属含量与安全质量评价

    Contents and Quality Safety Assessment of Heavy Metals in Tea Garden Soil of Laoshan Region

  9. 2006年青岛市崂山区居民恶性肿瘤死亡资料分析

    Analysis of Death Data of Malignant Tumors among Residents in Laoshan District of Qingdao City in 2006

  10. 青岛市崂山区功能定位与发展策略研究&寻找保护与发展的平衡点

    Function Orientation and Development Strategy on Laoshan District of Qingdao & The Balance Between Protection and Development

  11. 城市饮用水安全及对策研究&以青岛市崂山区为例

    Quality Safety of Urban Drinking Water Supply and Its Countermeasure & Taking Laoshan District as a Case

  12. 在青岛的东边,是崂山区,一个非常著名的道教中心,每年都吸引着无数的专门朝圣者。

    East of Qingdao we find Laoshan , a famous Taoism center , that attracts many devoted pilgrims .

  13. 2006年青岛市崂山区部分35岁以上农村居民糖尿病患病情况调查

    Investigation on the Prevalence of Diabetes among Rural Population over 35 in Laoshan District of Qingdao in 2006

  14. 新型工业化时期旅游产业定位与管理创新研究&以青岛市崂山区为例

    Tourism Orientation and Its Management Innovation in the Time of New Industrialization & Taking Laoshan District in Qingdao as Example

  15. 青岛市崂山区海岛及其周围海域资源丰富,有较大的开发潜力。

    There are abundant resources and large developmental potential in the island area and its adjacent sea area in the Laoshan District of Qindao City .

  16. 青岛市崂山区是我国茶树种植纬度最高地区,也是北方海拔较高的产茶区之一,具有特殊的地域特征,是青岛茶叶生产的优势产业带。

    Qingdao Laoshan district is the highest region of China tea-planting areas and one of the high altitude in north China tea-producing areas with special regional characteristic .

  17. 城市管理综合执法信息化是实现城市管理综合执法的核心,崂山区城市管理综合执法工作信息化研究既有理论研究意义,又有实用价值。

    Urban management law enforcement informatization is the core of the integrated urban management law enforcement , and Laoshan district urban management law enforcement information research has both theoretical significance and practical value .

  18. 崂山风景区的景观多样性水平不高,存在着一种或几种斑块类型在景观中占有绝对优势的现象。

    The landscape diversity level is not high in Laoshan scenic spot .

  19. 崂山风景区景观要素空间格局及其动态分析

    Pattern of Landscape Elements and Its Dynamic Analysis for the Laoshan Beauty Spot

  20. 崂山风景区管理局设有九个职能部门和七个基层管理处。

    The administration bureau has nine Functional departments and seven Grassroots Management Departments .

  21. 崂山茶区施用鸡粪茶园土壤镉含量状况研究

    Study on Cd Content in Laoshan Tea Garden Soil Fertilized with Fowl Manure

  22. 青岛崂山植物区系分区及分布特点研究

    Studies on Flora and Distribution Features of Mt. Laoshan , Qingdao , China

  23. 崂山风景区土壤重金属元素环境容量的计算

    Calculation on the Soil Environmental Capacity for Heavy Metal Elements in Laoshan Scenic Spot

  24. 丛枝菌根(AM)对根瘤菌趋化性研究崂山茶区茶树根际丛枝菌根真菌调查

    A survey of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in the Rhizosphere of Camellia sinensis in Laoshan

  25. 崂山风景区森林景观动态变化及其生态效益评价

    The Forest Landscape Dynamics Change and Ecological Benefit Evaluation in Lao Shan Scenery Spot

  26. 目前崂山风景区虽然建设了一些旅游信息系统,但还存在着许多的不足。

    Laoshan Mountain Scenic Spots has established some tourist information systems , but there are still many deficiencies .

  27. 近年来,崂山风景区酸雨频率虽然呈降低趋势,但酸沉降对景区生态环境仍存在潜在的威胁。

    Present situation and characteristics of tourist environment resources of scene area in the Lishan Mountain are discussed .

  28. 崂山风景区作为国家级风景名胜区,在宏观尺度上的生态学研究方面目前是空白。

    Laoshan scenic spot , regarded as national-scenic spot , is still blank at present in ecology research on macro-scale .

  29. 用极点排序法比较崂山苔藓区系同国内其它地区的关系

    Compare the floristic analysis of bryophytes of the Mt. Lao with those of other mountains in China using the method of polar ordination

  30. 崂山茶区茶树根际丛枝菌根真菌调查北京北部山区小水体生态评价指标筛选

    A survey of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in the Rhizosphere of Camellia sinensis in Laoshan Selection of indicators for ecological assessment on small water bodies of northern mountainous area of Beijing