- the Five Classics
[the Five Classics] 五部儒家经书,即易、书、诗、礼、春秋
五代时始印五经。--宋. 沈括《梦溪笔谈.活板》
As the Five Classics during the Han Dynasty was the basis for the Thirteen Classics , so is the Pentateuch for the Bible .
He gathered earlier writings to prepare what are called the Five Classics .
Study on the narrative time of the five classics of Moses
I thought God gave the law , the Torah , on Sinai .
A Comparative Study on Analects and Pentateuch
The Five Books of Moses : Genesis , Exodus , Leviticus , Numbers , Deuteronomy .
Named after Eliezer who was from the Torah , actually is a non-Jew himself , and .
That is , the bad Jews who have violated the Torah will be in cahoots with Antiochus .
These books built upon the ideas of an even more ancient period codified in the Five Classics .
The Five Classics is a corpus of five ancient Chinese books used by Confucianism as the basis of studies .
Colenso , Bishop of Natal , was deposed in South Africa in1862 for impugning the authenticity of the Pentateuch .
I was taught this in a black church in New Jersey and relearnt it studying Torah here at Yale .
The main content of the School Education in this period is the Confucian classic literature , such as Five Jing .
While it 's unlikely that your spiritual journal will be as widely read as Moses'was , yours is still important .
In this field , the science of history was still completely under the influence of the five books of Moses .
I hope the Wujing Project will help to integrate humanism intrinsic within China with other major civilizations in the world .
So five different speeches that some scholars have even suggested may be designed to imitate the five books of the Pentateuch .
Amidst the crisis of modern civilization nothing is more urgent than the translation of the Five Canons into major foreign languages .
For the connection with the traditional Confucian Classics Weishu constitutes an important component of the ideology and culture of the Han Dynasty .
Not long ago I established the big study project of the translation of the Five Classics , and this truly has a far-reaching significance .
Third , for the aspect of political belief , the Confucianism system , the sage and the five classics constituted the core of their political beliefs .
This religious reform involved absorbing the Confucian classics , establishing court academician of Confucian classics and reestablishing sacrificial rites of the state , and so on .
The principles of Confucianism are mainly contained in nine Chinese works that can be divided into two groups : the Four Books and the Five Classics .
Judaism , with its passage of the Torah from generation to generation in an unbroken line across two millennia , fills me with awe and admiration .
Some people say maybe he meant to reflect the five books of Torah the Pentateuch is the Genesis , Exodus , Leviticus , Numbers , and Deuteronomy .
Actually Pentateuch is not for juridical exertion , but for instructing its value , principle , concept and procedure with a spirit of unwritten law in the Bible .
Third , Emperor Kang Xi 's Scriptures is based on the series of works such as Ming 's Wujing Daquan , and has made mass additions and deletions .
As one of The Five Classics , the Book of Rites is the treasure of Chinese ancient culture , which is valuable for the study of ancient Chinese society .
The greatest advantage of Confucian studies lies in its reliance on traditional Chinese culture represented by The Five Classics , thus manifesting the characteristics of " classical culture . "
Other scrolls were collected by Ezra , copied , and later accepted by the Jews as inspired , and with the books of Moses they formed the Old Testament .