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wǔ jīng
  • the Five Classics
五经 [wǔ jīng]
  • [the Five Classics] 五部儒家经书,即易、书、诗、礼、春秋

  • 五代时始印五经。--宋. 沈括《梦溪笔谈.活板》

  • 遂通五经。--《后汉书.张衡传》

五经[wǔ jīng]
  1. 汉《五经》是后来《十三经》的基础;《Pentateuch(以色列)五书》是《圣经》的基础。

    As the Five Classics during the Han Dynasty was the basis for the Thirteen Classics , so is the Pentateuch for the Bible .

  2. 他搜集以前的作品,编成了所谓的五经。

    He gathered earlier writings to prepare what are called the Five Classics .

  3. 《摩西五经》的叙事时间研究

    Study on the narrative time of the five classics of Moses

  4. 我以为是神给的律法呢,《摩西五经》,在西乃山上。

    I thought God gave the law , the Torah , on Sinai .

  5. 《论语》与《摩西五经》比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Analects and Pentateuch

  6. 摩西五经:《创世纪》、《出埃及记》、《利末记》、《民数记》、《申命记》。

    The Five Books of Moses : Genesis , Exodus , Leviticus , Numbers , Deuteronomy .

  7. 命名为以利以谢这个人物来自摩西五经他本人也不是犹太教徒而且

    Named after Eliezer who was from the Torah , actually is a non-Jew himself , and .

  8. 指的是堕落的犹太人,违法了摩西五经,会与安条克狼狈为奸。

    That is , the bad Jews who have violated the Torah will be in cahoots with Antiochus .

  9. 这些书是依照“五经”之中所体现的更为早期的思想而著成的。

    These books built upon the ideas of an even more ancient period codified in the Five Classics .

  10. 五经是一个主体的五个古代书籍用儒学为基础的研究。

    The Five Classics is a corpus of five ancient Chinese books used by Confucianism as the basis of studies .

  11. 纳塔尔主教科连索于1862年在南非因着攻击摩西五经的真实性而被革职。

    Colenso , Bishop of Natal , was deposed in South Africa in1862 for impugning the authenticity of the Pentateuch .

  12. 我是在新泽西的黑人教会中学到这一点的之后在耶鲁研读摩西五经后我又获得了新的认识

    I was taught this in a black church in New Jersey and relearnt it studying Torah here at Yale .

  13. 这一时期学校教育的主要内容为五经为代表的儒家经典文献。

    The main content of the School Education in this period is the Confucian classic literature , such as Five Jing .

  14. 虽然你的灵命日志不可能像摩西五经那样广被阅读,却仍是极为重要的。

    While it 's unlikely that your spiritual journal will be as widely read as Moses'was , yours is still important .

  15. 历史科学在这一方面还是完全处在摩西五经的影响之下。

    In this field , the science of history was still completely under the influence of the five books of Moses .

  16. 我希望通过《五经》翻译项目的实施,将来能够把中国固有的人文主义思想与其它世界主要文明的融合在一起。

    I hope the Wujing Project will help to integrate humanism intrinsic within China with other major civilizations in the world .

  17. 所以有些学者认为这五篇讲论,可能是用于模仿摩西的五经。

    So five different speeches that some scholars have even suggested may be designed to imitate the five books of the Pentateuch .

  18. 我认为在目前后现代文明危机的情形下,没有一个比多种语翻译中国《五经》更紧急的事。

    Amidst the crisis of modern civilization nothing is more urgent than the translation of the Five Canons into major foreign languages .

  19. 由于它与传统的儒家经典&五经的密切关系,是构成汉代思想文化的重要组成部分。

    For the connection with the traditional Confucian Classics Weishu constitutes an important component of the ideology and culture of the Han Dynasty .

  20. 不久前,我们建立了翻译《五经》的大课题,确是涵义深远。

    Not long ago I established the big study project of the translation of the Five Classics , and this truly has a far-reaching significance .

  21. 第三,在政治信仰层面,儒学体系、圣人、五经构成了士人政治信仰的核心内容。

    Third , for the aspect of political belief , the Confucianism system , the sage and the five classics constituted the core of their political beliefs .

  22. 所谓儒学化改造,大致包括对儒家经典的吸收、置立五经博士、重建国家祀典等方面。

    This religious reform involved absorbing the Confucian classics , establishing court academician of Confucian classics and reestablishing sacrificial rites of the state , and so on .

  23. 儒学原理主要包含在九本书里,这九本书共分两部分:“四书”和“五经”。

    The principles of Confucianism are mainly contained in nine Chinese works that can be divided into two groups : the Four Books and the Five Classics .

  24. 两千年来,摩西五经在犹太教中代代相传,从未中断,这让我觉得即敬畏又钦佩。

    Judaism , with its passage of the Torah from generation to generation in an unbroken line across two millennia , fills me with awe and admiration .

  25. 有人说也许他意在映射妥拉的五经,它们是创世纪,出埃及记,利未记,民数记和申命记。

    Some people say maybe he meant to reflect the five books of Torah the Pentateuch is the Genesis , Exodus , Leviticus , Numbers , and Deuteronomy .

  26. 三,实际上,摩西五经这个托拉,其目的不是为了司法运用,而是指示不成文神法的价值、原则、概念以及程序。

    Actually Pentateuch is not for juridical exertion , but for instructing its value , principle , concept and procedure with a spirit of unwritten law in the Bible .

  27. 御纂诸经,是在明代《五经大全》相应书籍的基础上完成的,它对《五经大全》作了大量的增删。

    Third , Emperor Kang Xi 's Scriptures is based on the series of works such as Ming 's Wujing Daquan , and has made mass additions and deletions .

  28. 作为五经之一的《礼记》,是中国古代文化的瑰宝,对研究中国古代文化颇有价值。

    As one of The Five Classics , the Book of Rites is the treasure of Chinese ancient culture , which is valuable for the study of ancient Chinese society .

  29. 儒家思想的最优之处在于其对于中国传统文化的依赖,“五经”就是一个代表,所以它表现了“古典文化”的特征。

    The greatest advantage of Confucian studies lies in its reliance on traditional Chinese culture represented by The Five Classics , thus manifesting the characteristics of " classical culture . "

  30. 随后以斯拉收集其它书卷,加以誊写,随后这些古卷也被公认为上帝默示的正经,同摩西五经并列为旧约经书。

    Other scrolls were collected by Ezra , copied , and later accepted by the Jews as inspired , and with the books of Moses they formed the Old Testament .