
yǔ yán jiào xué
  • language teaching/pedagogy
  1. 这所大学的语言教学颇有名气。

    The college has a good name for languages .

  2. 我们在语言教学中非常强调交际教学法。

    We have a very communicative approach to teaching languages .

  3. 该校“作为外语的英语教学”有两个模块:即语言教学的原则与方法和应用语言学。

    The school offers two modules in Teaching English as a Foreign Language , viz . Principles and Methods of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics .

  4. C语言教学改革探索与实践

    Research and practice of the C Language Teaching Reform

  5. 关于C语言教学中若干问题的探讨

    About Many Problems Discussing In C Langue Teaching

  6. 通过介绍建构主义学习理论在Java语言教学中的应用,说明了在教学情境的创设方面的具体方法和技巧。

    It deals with the application of constructivism in Java teaching as well as methods and techniques in creating teaching scenes .

  7. 而在语言教学中采用CALL即是一条有效的解决之道。本文论述了CALL的定义、教师和计算机在CALL中的角色定位以及CALL的教学应用策略,旨在探讨如何在语言教学中应用CALL。

    The essay discusses the definition of CALL , the role-play of the teachers and computers in CALL and the applying strategies , which aim at applying CALL in English teaching .

  8. 总结分析出C语言教学中的重点,提出针对性的教学方法,并且阐述提高C语言程序效率的技术途径。

    By summing up and analysing the stress of teaching C language , the thesis came up with the teaching method in accordance with its special characteristics and expounded the technical ways to raise C language programming efficiency .

  9. 在ESP教学法之外,布朗提出的十二条教学原理集中反映了20几年来第二语言教学研究方法的最新成果。

    Also , in the field of SLT ( Second Language Teaching ), H. Douglas Brown puts forward twelve teaching principles which reflect the latest fruits in the field of SLT .

  10. 对于学生来说,程序设计的思维方式和概念都是全新的,学生接受起来很困难,通过本文研究的C程序设计语言教学方法研究,能收到较好的教学效果。

    Both the mode of thinking coming say programming to the student and concept be brand-new , the student is accepted very difficult , the C Programming Language teaching method studying by the main body of a book studies , can receive fairly good teaching effect .

  11. 国内外关于计算机辅助语言教学(CALL)的研究已经有几十年的历史,但是始终没有一种系统的方式探讨CALL的研究趋势。

    The research on Computer-assisted language learning ( CALL ) has been in discussion for several decades in the academic world , both overseas and in China ; however , no proper systematic approach to the identification of research trend of CALL comes to our attention .

  12. Brown和Rivers提出的交互语言教学就是师生之间共同参与教学过程从而提高学生的交际能力的全新教法。

    Brown ( 1994 ) and Rivers ( 1997 ) states Interactive Language Teaching in which the teacher and students participate in simultaneously in the process of language teaching and learning and therefore , improve students ' communicative competence as well as interactive competence .

  13. 现在的语言教学越来越重视语用功能,为此美国的语言学家Grice提出了会话的合作原则,Leech等则进一步发展,提出了会话的礼貌原则。

    Nowadays , language teaching puts more emphasis on the pragmatic function of language , so Grice put forward the cooperation principles of language and then Leech puts forward the politeness principles .

  14. Widdowson(19681978)首先提出语言教学和学科教学可以完全结合起来,英语习得的过程可以通过其他学科作为媒介。

    Widdowson ( 1968 , 1978 ) was one of the first to suggest that language and content teaching might be totally integrated , and that English could be acquired through the medium of some other subjects .

  15. 错误分析法在第二语言教学中的价值及作用

    Value and Effect of Error Analysis in the Second Language Teaching

  16. 程序设计语言教学管理系统2.0版

    The program design language teaching and studying manage system 2.0 Edition

  17. 论语言教学中的言语配置

    On the Distribution of Speech in the Course of Language Teaching

  18. 这种教学途径在语言教学中被看作是一种行之有效的教学法。

    It is considered as an effective method in language teaching .

  19. 而大班语言教学在一定程度上阻碍这一目标的实现。

    Large classes hinder in someway the realization of the goal .

  20. 语言教学必须让学习者通过交际习得语言,达到使用语言的目的。

    Second language teaching must be conducted for and by communication .

  21. 角色扮演被用在培训课程,语言教学及精神疗法中。

    Role play is used in training courses , language-learning and psychotherapy .

  22. 因此,语言教学必须加入文化背景知识。

    Therefore , the language teaching must join the cultural context knowledge .

  23. 这个变化已经反映在语言教学的各个方面。

    This change has been reflected in various ways in language education .

  24. 礼仪交际文化在语言教学中的渗透

    Courtesy and Communication Culture Deserves Its Position in Language Teaching

  25. 大学英语交际式语言教学初探

    A Preliminary Exploration about Communicative Language Teaching in College English

  26. 论交际法语言教学

    On the Concept of Communication and Language Teaching Linguistic typology SPLIT-PHASE METHOD

  27. 英汉语言教学中的文化负迁移作用

    The Negative Interference of Culture in English and Chinese Teaching

  28. 任务型语言教学是目前国际上外语教学界广泛采用的一种新的教学途径。

    Task-based Approach is a very popular teaching method in the world .

  29. 合理组织计算机辅助语言教学

    The Appropriate Organization of Computer - Assisted Language Learning

  30. 语言学是语言教学的资源和背景。

    Linguistics is the language teaching resources and background .