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  • tick mark
  1. 罗盘刻度线反走样快速绘制算法的改进研究BES实验数据离线刻度

    Improvement of High-Speed Antialiasing Algorithm for the Display of Compass BES Data Off-line Calibration

  2. 开关板电表刻度线粗细、长短、间隔与观察距离的初步研究BES实验数据离线刻度

    A study of scale mark dimensions , separation and reading distance of panel instrument dial BES Data off-line calibration

  3. 容许偏差为水准仪上一格刻度线。

    The admissible deviation is one graduation mark on the level .

  4. 刻度线位于控件的两边。

    Tick marks are located on both sides of the control .

  5. 次要刻度线间距必须小于主要刻度线间距。

    Minor unit must be less than or equal to major unit .

  6. 刻度线在刻度标的起始端有挤在一起的趋势。

    The graduations tend to be crowded together at the beginning of the scale .

  7. 控件中没有刻度线。

    No tick marks appear in the control .

  8. 另一种是容器内装满了水,让水经小孔漏出,从指示水平面高度的刻度线读出时间。

    In another form , water escaped through a hole in a vessel marked with graduated lines .

  9. 要显示或隐藏单位标签之间的竖线,请选中或清除“刻度线”复选框。

    To display or hide vertical lines between unit labels , select or clear the tick lines check box .

  10. 应使量杯的主刻度线在量杯线路上至少延伸四分之三并对其编号。

    The main graduation lines shall extend at least three quarters of the way around the graduate and shall be numbered .

  11. 为此,宜在在工作台上标出刻度线并设置控制断料尺寸用挡板。

    Therefore , it would be desirable to set up in the table shows the calibration and control the size of break with baffle .

  12. 在一定分辨率的屏幕上,用常规画线函数生成的静态罗盘刻度线呈现出锯齿形失真,特别当罗盘作动态旋转时,刻度线扭曲、变形。

    In the screen with limited resolution , scale lines in compass drawn with the general line function tend to be distorted , especially when rotating .

  13. 刻度线必须适合来演示在300圈螺旋线圈中慢慢抽进抽出的棒壮磁条所产生的感应电流。

    The dial has to be suitable for the demonstration of the inductive current from the slow input and output rodlike magnet in coil of 300 spirals .

  14. 并具体就温度表图像中刻度线的特征和图像识别作详细分析,以体现系统程序的关键算法思想和编辑特征;

    The feature and figure indication of graduation line in thermodetector figure are detailed analysed , therefore the key algorithm think and edit feature of system program are reflected .

  15. 犹如一件容器你负责不停的向里面加水,终有一天到达刻度线要求的标准,检验合格即可包装出厂。

    As if you are in charge of a vessel to keep the water inside one day reach the required standard calibration line , you can check the packaging factory .

  16. 本文在上一届研究生研究的基础上,在图形生成算法上加以进一步改进,重点在刻度线、字符的反走样处理上,研究出了更合理的算法,提高了图形显示质量。

    The thesis based on the research of the last graduate student improves the graphics creating arithmetic more and puts forward more effective arithmetic on scale lines and character for high display quality .

  17. 本文提出了一种方法,该方法通过最大连通域,分割出仪表的大刻度线,结合了形态学知识,最小二乘法获取旋转中心点坐标。

    This paper proposes a method , the method through a maximum threshold , large scale line segment the instrument , combined with morphological knowledge , least squares method for rotating center coordinates .

  18. 研究图像处理技术在仪表自动化校验中的应用方案,详细介绍了基于最大似然估计的最小二乘拟合方法来确定指针和刻度线的参数。

    It studies the image processing scheme on meter full-automatic calibration , and the least squares fit method based on maximum likelihood estimate has been detailed description to discriminate needle and dial in the intelligence meter processes .

  19. 重点研究仪表读数自动判别算法,首先通过图像采集系统获取表盘图像,经图像分割后识别出指针和表盘刻度线信息,然后进行读数判别。

    It focuses on the identification algorithm of the automatic meter reading . First of all , through the image acquisition system to obtain dial image , then identified the pointer and scales after image segmentation , and finally determine the reading .

  20. 研究了当前仪表图像分割,刻度线与指针的识别和读数判定的主流算法,本文采用Nilback算法对表盘图像进行分割,能较好的解决图像光照不均的问题。

    Niblack algorithm using image segmentation of the instrument can be better solution to the problem of uneven illumination image . This paper introduces several traditional algorithm of identification of pointer and scales and carries out an algorithm to identify the scales through making the circle to a rectangular .

  21. 十二点钟的刻度线在这里,所以,南北方向线应该在这里,我知道在我这里,这条线指向的是南方,因为我在北半球,太阳在南面,北方应该在相反的方向。

    There is the twelve going that way , so the north south line would be through here , and I know that way would be pointing south because I am in the northern hemisphere and the sun is in the southern sky , so north would be opposite that line .

  22. 他们在诉讼中表示,2009年,星巴克“有意决定”通过使用“量满”刻度线非常低的奶壶来节省牛奶成本,且配方要求咖啡师在注入咖啡时至杯沿以下四分之一英寸(约合0.6厘米)处即可。

    They said that in 2009 , Starbucks made a " conscious decision " to save money on milk by using pitchers with etched-in " fill to " lines that were too low , and the recipe required baristas to fill a quarter-inch below the brim of the cups , the lawsuit says .

  23. 为方便操作,配置了有刻度的夹线按钮,压脚上装了为安全专设的挡指架。

    A graduated button on the thread clamp and a finger guard on the presser foot to make operation easy .

  24. 拉力钳的导轨和底座表面上均有刻度,以显示线伸长率。

    A guide way of the pulling force pliers and the surface of the bottom seat are provided with the graduations for displaying the line elongation .

  25. 这里是时针,将时针对准备太阳。然后延着十二点的刻度画一条线,然后找到这两条线的中线,这就是南方。

    Here is the hour hand . You point that at the sun , and then you take a line up to the twelve like that , and you find the halfway point between those two lines , and that will point to the south .