
kè diǎn
  • puncture;punctum;punctation
刻点[kè diǎn]
  1. 舰队驶离东海岸进行演习。具刻点的;

    The fleet is-ring off the east coast .

  2. 云南省粗刻点木蠹象发生状况及检疫技术

    Occurrence and quarantine techniques of Pissodes punctatus

  3. 根据不同时刻点网格节点上的含水量和孔隙水压力值,计算不同时刻点土坡的稳定系数。

    The stability factors are accounted at different moment by the moisture content and matric suction on grid points .

  4. 文章认为,主导生产技术由于其很强的自组织特性和促生产力能力而具有明显的刻点平衡与局部均衡的协同演化现象。

    It is concluded that the dominant product technology has brought about the coevolution between punctuated equilibrium and local equilibrium because of its character of self-organization and its capability to advance productivity .

  5. 现在是差一刻四点,我会在四点一刻和你碰面。

    It 's quarter to four now ─ I 'll meet you at quarter past .

  6. 墙上的钟表明差一刻十点。

    The clock on the wall said a quarter to ten .

  7. 差一刻八点,我在外边等你。

    I 'll meet you outside at a quarter to eight .

  8. 不,我们安排在差一刻10点吧。

    No , let 's make it a quarter to ten .

  9. 他们差一刻十一点到了国王十字车站。

    They reached King 's Cross at a quarter to eleven .

  10. 你必须在差一刻十点到家。

    You must be home at a quarter to ten .

  11. 咱们今晚差一刻七点见。

    Let 's meet at quarter to seven this evening .

  12. 差一刻八点,我在一旁守着

    Quarter to 8:00 . I 'll be with him .

  13. 让我看看。现在差一刻十点。

    Let me see . it 's a quarter to ten now .

  14. 我们应该差一刻四点到。

    We should arrive at a quarter to four .

  15. 差一刻十点,我得赶快完成测验。

    It 's a quarter to ten . I must finish the quiz quickly .

  16. 现在差一刻十点。

    It 's a quarter to ten now .

  17. 今朝差一刻九点。

    It 's a quarter to nine .

  18. 差一刻四点的时候

    At a quarter to 4:00

  19. 男子挖空了南瓜又刻上点着一张脸,所使用的蜡烛驱散鬼魂的;

    Man hollowing out a pumpkin is also engraved with a face point , the ghost of the candle used to disperse ;

  20. 慢慢地,我开始沿着城墙游着,差一刻一点的时候,我到了排水管边,在阴影里静静等待。

    Slowly , I began to swim along under the castle walls.Just after a quarter to one , I came to the pipe and waited quietly in its shadow .

  21. V形和矩形刻槽尖点上的等效应力都随着刻槽深度的增加而增大;

    The increase of groove depth of V-shaped groove and rectangular groove raise the values of equivalent stress around wedge tip ;

  22. 在差一刻钟12点我们有我们的午餐

    At a quarter to twelve we have our lunch

  23. 贾森说,他知道怀亚特“这一刻是有点飘飘然的优越感了”。

    he knew Wyatt was ' having a moment of feeling superior , ' Mr. Greene says .

  24. 打扰一下,你能告诉我现在是什么时间吗?简:差一刻到六点。

    Excuse me , can you tell me what time it is ? Jane : it 's a quarter to six .

  25. 起床了,你这个又肥又懒的家伙!哈里斯说,差一刻就十点了。

    ' Get up , you fat , lazy thing ! 'Harris shouted . 'It 's a quarter to ten ! '

  26. 我看进他的眼睛里,意外地领悟到,这一刻每一点每一滴对他来说都是新的,正如对我一样。

    I looked into his eyes , abruptly grasping that this was every bit as new to him as it was to me .

  27. 昨天晚上,乔到三个快乐的船夫酒家,从八点一刻到九点三刻都在那里抽烟。

    Joe had been at the Three Jolly Bargemen , smoking his pipe , from a quarter after eight o'clock to a quarter before ten .

  28. 我花了好多周的时间谈判这笔交易,但是在最后一刻却有点动摇了,最后因为一笔非常小的金额上与出售方发生分歧而使交易告吹。

    I spent many weeks negotiating a deal , but then got slightly cold feet at the last minute , and fell out with the vendor over a relatively trivial sum .

  29. 而今天,尽管两国都存在一些引人瞩目的不同意见,这些解读却仍然冰封于历史之中,就像刻在核爆点旁堤岸石阶上的那道阴影一般——留下那道阴影的,是爆炸发生时一个坐在石阶上的可怜人。

    Yet today , with some notable dissents in both countries , those interpretations remain as frozen in history as the shadow etched on the stone steps of a bank building near ground zero - created by the body of a poor soul who was sitting there at detonation .

  30. BonaparleNapoleonFrenchemperor在每一场战争之中,都有那么一刻,运用一点策略就是决定性的并带来优势,正像加一滴水就可以促成溢流一般。

    There is a moment in every battle at which the least maneuver is decisive and gives superiority as one drop of water causes overflow .