
kè xiě
  • inscribe;carve
刻写 [kè xiě]
  • (1) [cut]∶用铁笔在蜡纸上写字制板

  • 一共刻写了十张蜡纸

  • (2) [express]∶表示

  • 那脸上,那眼神,分明刻写着焦急和痛苦

  • (3) [carve and write]∶雕刻缮写

  1. 用户可以下载MP3音乐文件,然后用个人电脑上的光盘刻录机直接刻写在CD音乐光盘上。

    Users can download MP3 music files and record them directly onto a CD audio disc using a PC CD writer .

  2. STW伺服刻写设备主要用于温盘伺服信息的录写,是现代大容量温盘生产领域中不可缺少的专用设备。

    The Servo Track Writer is applied in the production of Winchester disks .

  3. 飞秒激光刻写铌酸锂光波导的实验研究

    Experimental Research on Congruent LiNbO_3 Waveguide Fabricated by Femtosecond Laser Pulses

  4. 论白人主流意识形态在早期经典西部片中的刻写

    On the Inscription of Mainstream White Ideology in Early Classic Westerns

  5. 新型含偶氮聚合物薄膜表面微结构的刻写研究

    A Study of the Writing Microstructures on the Surface of Azobenzene Polymers

  6. 刻写在石碑上的汉字:秦琅琊刻石。

    Scripts on steles : langya inscriptionof the Qin dynasty .

  7. 就是在那种贝叶棕的叶子上刻写的佛经啊。

    They are the Buddhist scriptures carved in palm leaves .

  8. 佛经刻写与中国书法艺术的发展

    The Engraving of Buddhist Sutra and the Development of Chinese Calligraphy Art

  9. 兵器铭文,就是刻写或铸刻在兵器上的文字。

    The inscription is written on weapons , inscribed in ordnance text .

  10. 硬盘伺服刻写的新方法

    A New Approach to Servo Track Writing for Hard Disks

  11. 高密度小型温盘驱动器伺服码刻写的研究

    On Servo Code Writing for a High Density Small Winchester Disk Drive

  12. 约瑟夫史密斯在一八三○年把这些刻写板的字翻译成《摩门经》。

    Joseph Smith translated those tablets into The Book of Mormon in1830 .

  13. 一般都是由寺里的小和尚来刻写。

    They were mostly written by young Buddhist monks of various monasteries .

  14. 刘恒以一种独有的冷静刻写着苍茫大地上的芸芸众生。

    Liu Heng portrays all mortal beings on the earth with exceptional calmness .

  15. 这刻写了女神作为来源和所有东西依靠的特征。

    This characterizes the Goddess as the source and sustenance of all things .

  16. 天使跟他说去哪里找到有神谕的黄金刻写板。

    The angel told him where to find golden tablets with the word of God .

  17. 可紫外激光刻写的掺铒铋硅酸盐玻璃光谱性质研究

    Optical characterization of ultraviolet laser photosensitive Er ~ ( 3 + ) - doped bismuth-silicate glasses

  18. 制作真实啁啾和真实相移光栅,必须用高精度电子束刻写设备来加工。

    To fabricate true chirp or true phase-shift grating , high-precision E-beam equipment should be used .

  19. 本论文主要研究了利用光刻技术制作长周期振幅掩膜版并进行光栅刻写。

    This thesis mainly focuses on the researches that fabricating long period amplitude mask by optical lithography .

  20. 刻写机可以根据该掩模板加工文件加工出需要的掩模板。

    Then the writing machine is able to fabricate such a mask with this kind of file .

  21. 实验结果表明,激光刻写深度、激光刻写宽度受单脉冲能量、平台移动速度的影响。

    Experimental result shows that movement of stage and pulse energy influences the depth and width of writing .

  22. 对逐点法刻写失败的原因进行了分析,并提出了解决办法。

    Finally , the reasons of inscription failure for point-by-point method are analyzed , and solutions are proposed .

  23. 大多数书都要得逐字逐页的刻写在板上后,才能印刷。

    Most books were printed by carving the text on boards , word by word , page by page .

  24. 中国大众文化批评文本大多刻写着擦抹不去的西方文化理论的痕迹。

    The chinese teat of mass culture criticism has been influenced deeply by the theories of mass culture in the west .

  25. 甲骨文是指以龟腹甲和兽骨为材料,用刀刻写的文字。甲骨文是世界上最古老的书写文字符号之一。

    Jiaguwen refers to shell and bone writing , they form one of the most ancient written languages in the world .

  26. 最终在光纤表面实现铝环阵列,并以此作为振幅掩膜版进行长周期的刻写。

    Finally , aluminum ring arrays are fabricated on the fiber surface , and as amplitude mask to write long period .

  27. 在硬盘生产过程中,一个很重要的环节就是伺服刻写。

    In the whole process of production for a hard disk drive , the servo track writing is a very important process .

  28. 根据刻写的不同材质,可通过机身上方的旋转调节钮任意调节刻划的深浅度。

    According to carving the different material quality writing , but passing a fuselage , superjacent revolution adjusts Niu adjusting the weight delineating arbitrarily .

  29. 基于偶氮苯聚合物的光致异构和光致取向特性,开展了双偶氮苯功能化聚合物薄膜表面微结构的刻写研究·利用两束相干光照射,在样品表面刻写出了亚微米量级的光栅结构;

    Based on photoisomerizations and photoinduced alignments of an amorphous copolymer containing azobenzene groups , the writing process of the surface microstructures was studied .

  30. 写刻在砖端面或侧面的记录性文字和记号,大多较细浅,笔画瘦挺,显然刻写时已风干而较坚硬了。

    Most of the recording characters and marks on the brick end or side were carved with shallow lean strokes , apparently on air-dried bricks .