
ɡān rǎo wù zhì
  • Interfering substance;interfering material
  1. 酸化回收二次处理废水中总氰测定的干扰物质去除方法

    Research on removing the interfering material in the determination of total cyanide in waste water treated by acidizing

  2. 饮用水中微量内分泌干扰物质(DBP)的O3氧化去除研究

    Ozonation of trace endocrine disruptor ( DBP ) in drinking water

  3. 应用该法能简便快速地去除多糖等干扰物质,从而获得高质量的木犀科苦丁茶总DNA。

    By this method the most of polyhexose could be fast and simply removed , and high quality genomic DNA from the Kudingcha species in oleaceae could be obtained .

  4. 多氯联苯(PCBs)作为内分泌干扰物质进入天然水体后对人类、环境及生态都会造成严重危害。

    Polychlorinated biphenyls ( PCBs ) as endocrine disrupter have caused serious damage to the peole and the ecological environment when they entered into the natural water .

  5. 本论文选择O3/H2O2方法来研究其对水中内分泌干扰物质2,4-D的去除。

    We choose O3 / H2O2 process to investigate the removal of the enviromental endocrine disruptors from the water . We studied the removal efficiency of O3 / H2O2 process toward 2,4-D.

  6. 内分泌干扰物17β-雌二醇荧光分子印迹识别方法饮用水中微量内分泌干扰物质(DBP)的O3氧化去除研究

    The Research of Fluorescent Sensing to Endocrine Disruptor 17 β - Estradiol Measured by Microsphere Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Ozonation of trace endocrine disruptor ( DBP ) in drinking water

  7. 分别对测定条件进行了优化,并研究了干扰物质情况,建立了Tb3+-TR络合物荧光探针灵敏测定PALP、NAD、NADP和FAD的方法。

    By optimizing experiment conditions and researching interference influence , the sensitive determination method of PALP , NAD , NADP and FAD was developed with the Tb3 + - TR complex as a fluorescent probe .

  8. 三苯基锡(TPT)被广泛用于农作物杀菌剂、木材防腐剂、船舶防污漆等,是典型的环境内分泌干扰物质,然而其对两栖类的毒性影响鲜见报道。

    Triphenyltin ( TPT ) has been widely used as a biocide in agriculture and antifouling paints , proved to be an endocrine disruptor . However , toxicity of TPT on amphibians is poorly reported .

  9. 干扰物质包括游离氯以及一些强氧化剂。

    Interfering substances include free chlorine and some strong oxidizing agents .

  10. 固相萃取技术用于城市污水中环境内分泌干扰物质的研究

    The Research of SPE on the Environmental Endocrine Disruptors in Sewage

  11. 讨论了显色时干扰物质及其消除;

    Interfering substance and it 's elimination in color development were discussed .

  12. 固相萃取-GC-MS法检测环境中痕量农药类内分泌干扰物质

    Identification of Pesticides in Aquatic Environment by Solid Phase Extraction-GC-MS

  13. 但是,常规处理工艺并不能有效去除水中的环境内分泌干扰物质。

    However , EDCs are not removed effectively by using traditional water treatments .

  14. 再生水中内分泌干扰物质的存在及处理现状

    Presence and treatment of endocrine disruptor in reclaimed wastewater

  15. 沉砂、沉淀、过滤工艺对内分泌干扰物质仅起分离作用。

    The effect of desilting-coagulation sedimentation-filtration was only separation .

  16. 水体环境内分泌干扰物质的最新研究进展

    Latest Research Progress on Water Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals

  17. 关于武汉地区河流与湖泊中内分泌干扰物质的调查与分析

    Determination of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds in Rivers and Lakes of Wuhan City , China

  18. 提示存在于人类生活环境中的内分泌干扰物质种类繁多。

    It suggested that there were many varieties of endocrine disrupting chemical existing in the human environment .

  19. 水中内分泌干扰物质的研究现状及趋势

    The State - Of - The - Arts of Study of Endocrine Interference Substance in Water and its Tendency

  20. 本文简单介绍了环境内分泌干扰物质的定义、危害,并综述了目前的检测方法。

    This paper introduces the concept of environmental ED and its classification and dangers and reviews methods for its detection .

  21. 对脱硫液中干扰物质进行消除,以简捷、确的分析方法对脱硫液中的副盐硫代硫酸钠进行测定。

    The interferent is eliminated for the desulfurization solutions . Sodium thiosulphate is determined by simple and accurate analytical methods in desulfurization solutions .

  22. 许多常用的被认为是内分泌干扰物质,如杀虫剂、工业化学物质和药物的环境暴露已经引起了世界各国的广泛关注。

    There is worldwide concern regarding environmental exposure to many common pesticides , industrial chemicals and drugs thought to be possible endocrine disrupters .

  23. 方法采用以蒸馏水稀释试验菌、在试验中不引入干扰物质的悬液定量杀菌试验方法。

    Methods Suspension quantitative bactericidal test was adopted in which testing strain was diluted by distilled water and no interfering substance was added .

  24. 目的分析苦味酸法测定肌酐时胆红素干扰物质的影响,探讨一种消除胆红素干扰苦味酸法测定肌酐的方法。

    Objective To analyze the influence of bilirubin on the determination of creatinine with Jaffe method and explore a method to eliminate its interference .

  25. 干扰物质的干扰实验结果表明,该方法在较低标样浓度下具有较好的抗干扰能力;

    The results of referential experiments showed that the method has high anti-reference ability even when the concentration of standard solution is very low .

  26. 这些潜在干扰物质的选择应基于合理科学的判断,需考虑到可能存在的干扰。

    The choice of such potentially interfering materials should be based on sound scientific judgement with a consideration of the interferences that could occur .

  27. 水体中尤其是海水中硝酸盐氮的测定较繁琐,干扰物质多,分析时间长,重现性差,准确性不高。

    The measurement of nitrate nitrogen and nitrite nitrogen in seawater has such disadvantages as many disturbing components , long time , poor repeatability and accuracy .

  28. 由于受到尿酸、抗坏血酸等干扰物质的干扰,胆固醇生物传感器很难满足临床需要。

    Because of the interference of the uric acid and ascorbic acid in the amperometric measurements of cholesterol biosensor , it cannot meet the clinical need now .

  29. 色谱法在各种干扰物质中对分析物具有极强的分离能力、高的分析精确度、灵敏度和重复性,已成为食品分析中最有效的分离分析方法。

    Chromatographic technologies have very strong separating ability , high analytical accuracy , sensitivity and repetition . So they have been more and more important in food analysis .

  30. 环境内分泌干扰物质及其引发的一系列环境问题已成为一个全球性的社会问题,引起了世界各国尤其是发达国家政府和国际组织的广泛关注。

    Endocrine disrupting chemicals ( EDCs ) and their environment problems have been a global problem , and widely received attentions from many countries , especially developed countries and international organizations .