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fēng shōu
  • bumper harvest;foison;plenteous harvest;bumper crop
丰收 [fēng shōu]
  • (1) [plenteous harvest]∶收成好,产量高

  • (2) [bumper crop]∶作品很多的情况

  • 最佳小说的大丰收

丰收[fēng shōu]
  1. 他们战胜了自然灾害,甚至还获得了大丰收。

    They overcame the natural disaster and even had a bumper harvest .

  2. 丰收有望。

    There is hope of a bumper harvest .

  3. 农民靠丰收才能活命。

    The peasants depend on a good harvest for their very existence .

  4. 今年马铃薯丰收。

    The potatoes cropped well this year .

  5. 这里每年水果都大丰收。

    Each year it produces a fine crop of fruit

  6. 艾奥瓦州今年玉米大丰收。

    In the state of Iowa , it 's been a bumper year for corn .

  7. 这种酒是该地区这10年来两个葡萄丰收旺年之一所产的佳酿。

    This wine is from one of the two best vintages of the decade in this region

  8. 能带来粮食丰收的好天气应该可以让该国的缺粮状况得到缓解。

    Good weather leading to good grain harvests should win the country relief from food shortages .

  9. 他们连年获得丰收。

    They 've had a series of good harvests .

  10. 去年我们又获得了大丰收。

    Last year we won another rich harvest .

  11. 很多游客和当地居民一起欢庆一年一度的丰收节。

    Many tourists have joined the local residents ' celebrations of the annual harvest festival .

  12. 今年桃子丰收在望。

    The peach trees promise a rich crop this year .

  13. 今年小麦可望获得丰收。

    A bumper wheat harvest is anticipated [ expected ] this year .

  14. 沉甸甸的稻穗预示着又一个丰收。

    Dropping ears of rice promise another good harvest .

  15. 今秋可望丰收。

    We expect a good harvest this autumn .

  16. 丰收在望。

    A bumper harvest is in sight .

  17. 大丰收的前景使大家心里乐滋滋的。

    The prospect of a good harvest made everyone feel happy .

  18. 全国性的大丰收很快使米价回落了。

    A nation-wide good harvest soon brought down the price of rice .

  19. 木刻《秋》是作为丰收的景象来构思的。

    The woodcut autumn was conceived as a harvest scene .

  20. 去年我们的香蕉获得大丰收。

    We had a big crop of bananas last year .

  21. 一片丰收的景色映入眼帘。

    A lively scene of farmers bringing in bumper crops greeted the eye .

  22. 明年将是一个丰收年。

    Next year will be an abundant year .

  23. 好一派喜人的丰收景象!

    This good harvest is a fine sight !

  24. 今年备不住又是个丰收年。

    This year may be another good year .

  25. 大江南北一片丰收景象。

    Scenes of bumper harvests greet the eye on both sides of the Yangtze river .

  26. 今年雨水调匀,丰收可望。

    Rainfall has been evenly distributed this year and a good harvest can be expected .

  27. 我们不但战胜了灾害,而且获得了丰收。

    We not only came through the natural calamity , but also won a bumper harvest .

  28. 今年又是大丰收,家家户户乐融融。

    There is another bumper harvest this year , and every family is as happy as can be .

  29. 价格通常会在下次丰收时恢复正常。

    Prices typically returned to normal with the next harvest .

  30. 18世纪时,人们会在秋天放风筝,以庆祝丰收。

    In the 1700s , kites were flown in autumn to give thanks for a good harvest .