
  • 网络supplementary immunization
  1. TOPV对农村婴幼儿强化免疫的抗体应答

    Antibody Response to the Supplementary Immunization in Children of Countryside

  2. 采用快速调查方法对重点人群流动规律及口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗(OPV)强化免疫接种状况进行调查,从中发现江苏省流动人群以省内流动为主,其来源有地区性差别;

    Using rapid survey method to trace floating children and investigate polio supplementary immunization status , we found that floating population mainly came from inside of the province , and the districts they came from were different .

  3. 之后观察2年,比较试点县和对照县MV强化免疫前后麻疹发病差异。

    Two years later , compared the differences of the incidence of measles .

  4. 加强监测,保持MV高水平的常规免疫,并适时开展适龄儿童的强化免疫,建立巩固的免疫屏障,是加速控制麻疹的关键。

    Strengthening surveillance and maintaining high level of regular immunization was key to control measles .

  5. 方法在全省部分地区开展麻疹疫苗(MV)初始强化免疫活动。

    Methods By carry out initiatory supplementary immunization activity of measles vaccines in part area of Qinghai .

  6. 为了解潍坊市麻疹疫苗(MV)强化免疫的效果和人群麻疹抗体水平,在2个区随机抽取767名0-39岁健康人,应用酶联免疫吸附试验检测麻疹IgG抗体。

    This paper reported the results of measles antibody detection in 767 persons aged 0-39 years old in weifang city .

  7. 2001年在流动儿童和外来民工子弟学校学生中,开展了MV的强化免疫,共接种56566人,接种率为98.67%。

    Since 2001,56 566 floating children and students were vaccinated with MV , the rate was 98.67 % .

  8. 今后仍应加强儿童OPV常规免疫,加强AFP病例监测,有计划地开展OPV强化免疫。

    So the work of AFP surveillance and OPV immunization should be strengthened .

  9. 强化免疫前麻疹IgG抗体GMT为16.79±3.10,强化免疫后GMT、为44.77±2.25。

    The GMTs of measles IgG antibody were 16.79 ± 3.10 , 44.77 ± 2.25 before and after the campaign .

  10. 目的评价河北省实施以麻疹减毒活疫苗(MV)强化免疫为主的加速控制麻疹策略取得的效果。

    Objective Evaluating the effect of measles accelerating control strategy in Hebei Province , in which the measles vaccine strengthening Immunization was implemented .

  11. 方法提高常规免疫覆盖率、强化免疫,实施应急免疫、加强急性弛缓性麻痹(AFP)监测和实验室监测。

    Methods Routine immunization coverage was expanded and , immunity reinforcement and stress immunization were implemented . Surveillance of acute flaccid paralysis ( AFP ) was strengthened , including laboratory monitoring .

  12. GACVS建议今后开展强化免疫时应该同时加强AEFI监测和病历调查工作。

    GACVS recommended that future immunization campaigns should be accompanied by strengthened AEFI monitoring and investigation activities .

  13. 为了解近年来湖南省常规免疫接种率状况,对2002~2004年的常规免疫接种率报告质量和监测结果及强化免疫和AFP病例监测数据进行综合分析。

    To understand the current status of routine vaccination coverage rate in Hunan Province , the surveillance data and quality evaluation of routine and supplementary vaccination and AFP since 2002 through 2004 were analyzed .

  14. 方法采用淮北市疾病预防控制中心疫情报表及急性弛缓性麻痹(AFP)监测系统报告资料,以及各区县常规预防接种、强化免疫报告资料。

    Methods Using the data of Huaibei Municipal Center for Disease Prevention and Control , the data reported by AFP monitor system , and the data of routine vaccinating and intensifying immunity from every district .

  15. 两轮强化免疫服苗率均>83%,全市AFP病例漏报率为1.19%,病原学监测未分离到脊灰野病毒。

    Two rounds of OPV coverages were both above 83 % . The unreported rate of AFP cases was 1.19 % . The polio pathogeny surveillance was conducted continuously and none wild polioviruses was isolated .

  16. 结果显示:MV强化免疫前HI抗体和ELISAIgG抗体阳性率分别为9978%和9522%,抗体几何平均滴度(GMT)分别为1∶3615和1∶81215;

    The results showed that the measles antibody positive rates of HI and ELISA-IgG were 99.78 % and 95.22 % , the GMTs were 1 ∶ 36.15 and 1 ∶ 812.15 before MV catch-up immunization respectively .

  17. 为探讨麻疹疫苗初始强化免疫的血清学效果,采用酶联免疫吸附试验对156例观察对象采集的双份血清进行麻疹IgG抗体检测。

    In order to study the serological effect of the measles catch-up mass campaign , the two serum samples of 156 healthy population who accepted measles vaccine ( MV ) catch-up mass immunization were detected for IgG with ELISA .

  18. 血清学监测结果表明,强化免疫后1个月,麻疹IgG抗体无论阳转率、几何平均滴度,还是预防显性感染抗体比例,都达高水平;

    The results of serology monitoring showed either the positive seroconversion rate or the GMT level of measles IgG antibody , or the ratio of preventing clinical infection raised to the highest level after one month of mass immunization .

  19. 方法:根据卫生部《全国2003~2010年保持无脊灰状态行动计划》的要求,对AFP病例监测系统质量和口服脊灰疫苗(OPV)的强化免疫活动进行分析。

    Methods : According to the requirement of " national operation plan for maintaining polio-free 2003-2010 ", the AFP case surveillance system and the outline immunization coverage of OPV were analyzed .

  20. TOPV强化免疫效果的研究

    Study on intensive immunity effect of TOPV

  21. 方法1999年度对该区149016名8月龄~14岁儿童实施了麻疹疫苗(MV)强化免疫,接种率为97.38%。

    [ Methods ] Intensive immunization on measles has been conducted on 8 months - 14 - year - old children in this area in 1999 and the immunization coverage rate of measles vaccine ( MV ) was 97.38 % .

  22. 为探讨初始强化免疫对控制和消除麻疹的效果,1998年6~7月份对韶关市所有6月龄至15岁人群实施MV初始强化免疫后进行血清学检测和流行病学观察。

    To inquire the effect of catch-up measles vaccination compaign for controling measles , all children aged 6 months to 15 years were vaccinated in Shaoguan city from June to July 1998 and serological survey and epidemiological observation were made .

  23. 随着AEFI监测系统的敏感性提高,对强化免疫期间聚集发生的无菌性脑膜炎的辨识能力也得到了加强。

    Recognition of the clustering of cases of aseptic meningitis has potentially been enhanced during mass immunization campaigns due to increased sensitivity of AEFI surveillance .

  24. 为了预防和控制麻疹暴发或流行,进一步降低麻疹发病率,江西省于1999年10月进行了全省范围的8月龄~7岁儿童麻疹疫苗(MV)初始强化免疫活动。

    In order to prevent and control measles outbreak and further reduce measles incidence , the measles vaccine mass immunization campaign was carried out in Jiangxi Province in October 1999 . The immunized children were from 8 months to 7 years old .

  25. 2004/2005年度部分地区开展OPV强化免疫活动,第1轮常住儿童接种率96.65%,流动儿童接种率95.37%;

    In 2004 / 2005 national immunization days were carried out in some prefectures . In first round administration , coverage of resident and floating children were 96.65 % and 95.37 % respectively ;

  26. 结论分析报告病例的年龄和免疫史状况说明,麻疹疫苗(MV)的初种和复种需加强,对重点地区和人群应开展MV的后续强化免疫。

    Conclusion The analysis report case of illness age and the immunity history condition showed , measles vaccine ( MV ) at First inoculation and Second inoculation must be strengthened and developed MV to the key area and the crowd the following strengthened immunity .

  27. 结果强化免疫后麻疹抗体阳转率达100%,GMT从1:5.56上升到1:52.68;

    [ Results ] The positive rate of measles antibody among children was 100 % , GMT increased from 1: 5.56 to 1: 52.68 . The epidemiological observation shows that the measles was under control after the intensive immunization .

  28. 应在提高常规免疫接种率和接种质量的同时,要抓好大年龄儿童的MV强化免疫,进一步提高人群的免疫水平,预防控制麻疹爆发。

    While improving the rate of routine measles immunization and its quality , it is more important to carry out enhanced immunization among older children so as to raise the level of immunity among the population , and to prevent and control the measles outbreak .

  29. 结论在保持高水平的MV常规免疫时,开展麻疹疫苗强化免疫,建立并逐步完善麻疹监测系统,加强风疹预防工作,是加速控制麻疹的重要策略。

    Conclusion Results indicated that programs as catching-up immunization campaigns on measles and keeping high level of MV immunization , establishing measles surveillance system with improvement of its sensibility together with rubella control program all seemed to be important strategies in speeding up the positive outcome of measles control .

  30. 抗GBM抗体相关疾病患者的预后及转归可能与血清抗GBM抗体水平无相关性,早期诊断,及时强化免疫抑制治疗对改善患者预后至关重要。

    There may be no correlation between the prognosis and the level of anti-GBM antibody in the patients with anti-GBM antibody associated diseases . In order to improve prognosis , it is important to make early diagnosis and timely intensive immunosuppressive treatment .