
  • 网络poisoning disease;toxicosis
  1. 慢性地方性马氟中毒病病理形态学研究

    Pathomorphological studies on the chronic endemic fluorine poisoning in horses

  2. 鸡实验性镉中毒病的研究

    The Investigation on Hens ' Toxic Disease of Cadmium Chloride

  3. 方法:对我科收治的5例有机锡中毒病病人的临床表现进行回顾分析。

    Methods : The clinical characteristies of5 cases of organotin poisoning were retrospectively analyzed .

  4. 并归纳总结了诊断氟中毒病的各种物理方法和生化指标,以及相关的分子生物学技术。

    To investigate fluorosis efficiently , there displayed biochemical component analysis , pathologic structure observation and relative molecular biology technique .

  5. 疯草是指含有苦马豆素的豆科黄芪属和棘豆属有毒植物,动物疯草中毒病是危害草原畜牧业最严重的问题之一。

    Locoweeds are toxic plants of the genera Astragalus and Oxytropis containing swainsonine . Locoism is one of the most widespread poisonous plant problems .

  6. 饲料毒物和抗营养因子是导致饲料营养价值和适口性下降、畜禽生产力下降。或发生中毒病的重要物质。

    Feed toxicants and Antinutritional factors are important substances which can cauce decline in the feed nutritive value , the feed palatable and the animal productive forces , or lead to the poisoning diseases .

  7. 当一氧化碳中毒病患仍住院接受治疗时,西雅图时报总编辑波德曼想出在头版以多种语言刊出警讯的独特点子。

    As carbon-monoxide victims continued to be hospitalized for treatment , David boardman , executive editor of the Seattle times , came up with the unusual idea of multiple-language warnings on the front page .

  8. 本研究首次证实中国疯草中存在能够产生苦马豆素的内生真菌,将为从控制产苦马豆素内生真菌生长角度防治动物疯草中毒病提供依据。

    It is the first document about swainsonine-producing fungal endophytes from locoweeds in China . The study offers a new possible avenue for dealing with locoism by controlling the endophytes instead of locoweed plants . 3 .

  9. 1938年最早报道英国流行该病,此后,美国、新西兰、瑞典、加拿大、日本等国相继报道了有关钼中毒病的流行及研究状况。

    The disease was reported in England in 1938 by the first time . Since then , the disease and its studies were successively reported in America , New Zealand , Sweden , Canada and Japan etc.

  10. 地方性氟病是由于长期饮食当地高氟水或食物而引起的一种慢性氟中毒病,据统计,分布在我国约占二亿六千万人口的地区,是一种严重危害人民健康的地方病。

    Endemic fluorosis disease are long-term because of high fluoride water or eating local food caused by a chronic fluorosis disease , according to statistics , the distribution in our country about 260 million population , is a serious health hazards endemic in the people .

  11. 大同盆地砷、氟中毒地方病生态地球化学研究

    Eco-geochemical investigation on the endemic As and F poisoning in Datong Basin

  12. 半球扩散模型在氨中毒职业病危害事故风险评估中的应用

    Application of the hemisphere diffusion mode in risk evaluation on occupational ammonia poisoning accidents

  13. 适用于慢性迁延性肝炎、慢性活动性肝炎,初期肝硬化、肝中毒等病的治疗。

    Clinically it can be used to treat acute and chronic hepatitis , early hepatocirrhosis , and toxic hepatitis , etc.

  14. 1991-2000年吴县市居民前五位主要疾病为恶性肿瘤、脑血管病、呼吸系病、损伤和中毒、心脏病。男性的恶性肿瘤、损伤和中毒的死亡率均高于女性(P0.05)。

    The first five death causes were malignant tumor , cerebrovascular disease , respiratory diseases , injure and poisoning during 1991 to 2000 . The mortality rates of malignant tumor , cerebrovascular disease , injure and poisoning in male were higher than that in female ( P0.05 ) .

  15. 硫必利治疗慢性酒精中毒性精神病

    Treatment of chronic alcoholic psychoses with tiapride

  16. 结果:在自然气候恶劣、疫情形势严峻的7个月维和任务期内,维和部队未发生一例食物中毒和传染病疫情。

    Results : There did not occur any food poisoning and epidemic in our peacekeeping mission .

  17. 本文应用硫必利治疗10例慢性酒精中毒性精神病,并以10例服氯丙嗪为对照组。

    Tiapride was used to treat 10 patients with chronic alcoholic psychoses and chlorpromazine was used in 10 patients for comparison .

  18. 目的:了解杭州市涂装作业场所空气中职业病危害因素情况,预防职业中毒和职业病发生。

    Objective : To investigate the occupational hazards in the air of painting workplace in Hangzhou for preventing occupational poisoning and occupational disease .

  19. 本文通过锰诱导多巴胺能神经元凋亡及其可能的神经化学机制的研究,进而探讨锰中毒与帕金森病发病的相互关系。

    In order to find a certain relationship between manganism and pathogenesis of Parkinson 's disease , Mn-induced apoptosis in dopaminergic neurons and its possible mechanism were investigated .

  20. 团场居民前五位死因依次为循环系统疾病、恶性肿瘤、呼吸系疾病、损伤与中毒、传染病。

    Ranked by the causes of the death , the top five were cardiovascular diseases , malignant tumor , diseases of respiratory system , injuries and poisoning , and infectious diseases .

  21. 文件指出,随着天气转暖,食物中毒、传染病进入多发时段;学校在原料采购、食品加工制作方面应更加谨慎。

    As the weather gets warmer , the possibilities of food poisoning and infectious diseases increase , the document said , adding that schools should be more careful while purchasing ingredients and processing food .

  22. 氟中毒和碘缺乏病并发地区分布及流行病学概况

    Epidemiological Investigation and Regional Distribution of Fluorosis and Iodine Deficiency Disorders

  23. 而一些女同志在治疗后,因药物中毒而得了精神病。

    Some female comrades suffered psychosis from drug toxicity after being treated .

  24. 地方性氟中毒(地氟病)的病理机制十分复杂,目前尚无一致的解释。

    The mechanism of fluorosis is complex , and even no accordant explain .

  25. 目的评价贵州省地方性氟中毒(地氟病)流行现状、影响因素及防制效果。

    Objective To appraise the epidemiology and control effects of endemic fluorosis in Guizhou province .

  26. 本文通过总结酒精中毒引发脑血管病的流行病学及其发病机制来阐述酒精中毒与脑血管病的关系。

    This article illustrates the relationship between chronic alcoholism and the cerebrovascular disease through reviewing the epidemiology and mechanism .

  27. 目的了解健康教育干预地方性氟中毒(地氟病)防治效果,实施健康促进。

    Objective To understand the preventive effect of fluorosis by adopting health education , and to carry out health promotion .

  28. 妊娠中毒症心臓病对母亲与胎儿的预后均十分恶劣,本组内10例死亡中有6例系由本病所引起。

    Among the 10 maternal deaths in this series , 6 were due to heart failure caused by toxemia of pregnancy .

  29. 背景与目的:探讨银杏叶片对地方性砷中毒(地砷病)患者七项肝功能指标的影响并初步分析其作用机制。

    BACKGROUND & AIM : To explore the influence and the mechanism of Ginkgo leaf tablet on hepatic function of patients with endemic arsenism .

  30. 在茂名市地方性氟中毒(地氟病)病区中,饮用自来水、手压井水和大口井水的人口比例分别为24.16%、58.73%和17.11%。

    24.16 % , 58.73 % and 17.11 % of the citizens used tap water , hand-pumping well water and broad-mouth well water respectively .