
jùn ɡōnɡ miàn jī
  • floor space completed
  1. 通过引入弹性得知南通市建筑业增加值的增加主要取决于建筑业总产值的增长,与竣工面积的增长依赖性不大。

    Led by the elasticity , it was known that the increase of building industry gain in Nantong mainly depended on the increase of total production value in building industry instead of the increase of floor space completed .

  2. 城镇居民可支配收入、房屋竣工面积、国内货币供给和GDP不是引起房价变动的主要因素。

    Furthermore , personal income , housing completion and M1 and GDP are not main factors causing the change of property price .

  3. 住宅竣工面积的增加,势必会带来建筑能耗的加大。

    Completed area of residential increase building energy consumption is bound to bring increased .

  4. 全市建筑企业房屋竣工面积优良品率达53.3%。

    Of the floor space of houses completed by construction enterprises of beijing , 53.3 percent was excellent or good .

  5. 房屋竣工面积58705万平方米,减少3539万平方米。

    Floor space of buildings completed during the year was 587.05 million square meters , down by 35.39 million square meters .

  6. 竣工面积3197.6万平方米,比上年增长13.9%。

    Floor space of buildings completed in the year was 31.976 million square meters , up 13.9 percent over the previous year .

  7. 1996年以来,中国城镇住宅竣工面积每年平均6亿多平方米。

    Since 1996 , more than 600 million square meters of residential houses have been completed in China 's cities and towns each year .

  8. 随着住宅竣工面积的增加,建筑能耗也会越来越大。相应地,以煤炭消耗为主的集中供热建设项目也会不断增加。

    With the increase in residential area completed , building energy consumption will be increasing . Accordingly , Coal consumption-based heating projects will continue to increase .

  9. 全年经济适用房投资791亿元,竣工面积5506万平方米。

    The total investment in economic and suitable houses for the whole year reached 79.1 billion Yuan , with completed floor space of 55.06 million square meters .

  10. 同时也分析了投资、竣工面积、销售面积单项指标的周期波动,证明杭州市房地产周期波动的客观性。

    Also analyzed the investment , completion area , a sales area of the cyclical fluctuations of individual indicators , Hangzhou fluctuations in the real estate cycle to prove objectivity .

  11. 根据资料,我国房屋建筑竣工面积2009年涨到245402万平方米,随着建筑业的蓬勃发展,建筑能耗情况也逐渐成为我们关注的对象。

    According to the information , the built housing proportion increased to 2 454 020 thousand square meter in 2009 . With the vigorous development of the construction industry , we are more concern about the building consumption .

  12. 我国每年新建的建筑面积大约在16~19亿平方米之间,和发达国家相比,目前已经超过所有发达国家每年竣工面积的总和。

    Every year , new construction area of building approximate 1.9 billion square meters in china , compared with developed countries , the area are already more than the sum of completion of the area in all developed countries .

  13. 然而,不论从新开工面积还是竣工面积,抑或投资额来看,经济适用房始终没能成为供应主体,相反,逐渐开始出现倒退。

    However , no matter new commenced area , completed area , or the amount of capital invested , economically affordable housing has never been the main body , on the contrary , after a few years of development , it even started to back up .

  14. 提高竣工建筑面积测算精度的方法

    A Simple Analysis on the Methods of Enhancing Built-Up Area Survey Precision in Completed Projects

  15. 目前我国城乡住宅竣工建筑面积每年都超过10亿平方米,而且在今后相当长的一段时间内,我国住宅建设仍将处于增量型发展时期。

    Over the recent years , the completed residential housing areas in China have exceeded 10 billion square meters per year . And such increase is expected to continue for a long period .

  16. 全年城镇竣工住宅面积4亿平方米,农村竣工住宅面积8.1亿平方米。

    A total of 400 million square meters of new residential buildings were completed in urban areas , and 810 million square meters of new houses were built in rural areas in 1998 .

  17. 各地区房地产施工、竣工、销售面积

    Floor Space of Buildings under construction , completed and sold by region

  18. 预计二期将于明年年底竣工,占地面积扩大到6.88平方公里。

    The second phase is expected to be finished by the end of next year , expanding the area to 6.88 square km .

  19. 这幢近期竣工的豪宅面积为4661平方英尺(合433平方米),有四个卧室,一个私人泳池,一座花园,屋顶有露台,同时还有一个可容纳两辆车的车库。

    The recently constructed home spans 4,661 square feet , with four bedrooms , a private pool , a garden , rooftop terrace and a carport that can house two cars .

  20. 我国新建住宅已成为房屋建筑中的一个重要组成部分,1995年至2009年间住宅面积所占竣工房屋建筑面积的比例平均达到66.3%。

    The new residential housing has become an important part of building constructions in China . Between 1995-2009 , the residential area accounts for 66.3 % of all new complete building area averagely .

  21. 根据我国住宅发展规划,在今后10年,我国每年至少要竣工住宅建筑面积2亿平方米,其中绝大多数是智能建筑。

    Optimal Conceptual Design of Dwelling House and Its Realization According to domicile develop schedule of China , at least 0.2 billion m2 residence will be finished ; most of them are Intelligence buildings .

  22. 其中,河北省商品房平均销售价格作为因变量引入模型,而自变量则主要从供求角度搜集,分别为:竣工房屋造价,竣工房屋面积,河北省人均可支配收入,销售面积,河北省城镇人口。

    In the model , the average selling price of commodity house in Hebei is the dependent variable . The independent variables are cost of completed houses , area of completed buildings , the per capita disposable income , saleable area and the urban population in Hebei province .

  23. 近几年,经济适用住房建设年竣工量已经超过1亿平方米,约占当年商品住房竣工面积的一半以上。

    In recent years , 100 million square meters of economic houses have been completed , accounting for more than a half of completed commercial houses .