
  • 网络Beijing Gymnasium
  1. 到北京体育馆的游泳池去怎么样?

    They enter the gymnasium , and the film is going to start .

  2. 就在此时,在北京体育馆熊熊燃烧了16天的巨大的奥运火炬缓缓熄灭。

    Only this time , the massive Olympic torch which had burnt constantly over the stadium throughout slowly faded out .

  3. 举个小例子:上周五碧昂斯(Beyonce)在北京五棵松体育馆的演唱会上,安保人员竭力执行阻止观众起立舞蹈的明文规定。

    A minor example : At Beyonce 's concert at Beijing 's Wukesong Stadium Friday , security personnel struggled to enforce an apparent rule against concertgoers standing up to dance .

  4. 北京大学体育馆双曲形铝合金屋面施工技术

    Construction Technology of Hyperbolic Aluminum Alloy Roof in Peking University Gymnasium

  5. 中国杯国际体操邀请赛昨天在北京首都体育馆开赛。

    China Cup International Gymnastics Tournament opened yesterday in Beijing Capital Gymnasium .

  6. 曾洋洋的时装在北京工人体育馆展示。

    Zeng yangyang 's dress exhibit in China Beijing worker physical training hall .

  7. 北京大学体育馆钢屋盖预应力桁架壳体结构分析的几个关键问题

    Several key issues of structural analysis of prestressed steel truss shells roof of Beijing University gymnasium

  8. 座无虚席的北京大学体育馆“加油中国”的声音响彻整个晚上。

    A near-capacity crowd at Peking University Gymnasium chanted " Go China " throughout the evening .

  9. 同开幕式一样,北京国家体育馆里烟花和壮丽的气氛弥漫,结束了为期16天的奥运会。

    Just as the Games had begun , fireworks and pageantry filled Beijing 's National Stadium at the end of 16 days of competition .

  10. 北京大学体育馆钢屋盖施工模拟与监测柳州党校体育馆大跨度折板屋盖结构设计

    Simulation and monitoring for the construction of the steel roof of the Peking University Gymnasium Design for Folded-plate Coping of Gymnasium at Liuzhou New Party 's School

  11. 详细介绍了雨水利用系统的优化设计方法,并列举了东京穹顶体育馆、北京国家体育馆等工程实例。

    The methods of the optimal design of the rainwater utilization system are introduced in detail . The engineering examples of the Tokyo dome gymnasium and the Beijing national gymnasium are also given .

  12. 闭幕式将在北京国家体育馆举行,这位国际足球巨星伴随2012年奥运会举办城市伦敦的城市特色一并展示给世人。

    When the Games end at Beijing 's National Stadium , the distinction of hosting the Summer Olympics transfers to London in2012 – with the international soccer star there to help mark the transition .

  13. 这位久负盛名的世界冠军在2004年的希腊雅典奥运会中夺得金牌,然而却在去年八月份由于伤病步履蹒跚的走出北京鸟巢体育馆,未能保住他的王冠。

    The reigning world champion won gold at the2004 Athens Olympics then hobbled out of the Bird 's Nest in Beijing last August with an injury that left him unable to defend his crown .

  14. 这场在北京首都体育馆举行的冰上婚礼,已经让人期盼了整整三年。早在2007年世界花滑锦标赛上赢得金牌之后,赵宏博就已经当众向申雪求婚。

    The wedding , scheduled to take place at Beijing 's Capital Gymnasium , has been an affair three years in the making . Zhao proposed to Shen after a gold medal-winning performance at the 2007 World Figure Skating Championships .

  15. 北京师范大学体育馆屋盖采用钢网架结构。

    The steel grid structure is adopted in Beijing Normal University Gymnasium .

  16. 北京师范大学体育馆焊接空心球网架施工技术

    Construction Technology of Welding Hollow Ball Grid in Beijing Normal University Gymnasium

  17. 北京工业大学体育馆&2008年奥运羽毛球比赛馆优秀设计方案综述

    Beijing Industrial University Gymnasium & Summary of Outstanding Design Plans for 2008 Olympic Badminton Stadium

  18. 北京体育学院体育馆双曲抛物面网壳屋盖结构

    Roof structure of hyperbolic paraboloid reticulated shells for the gymnasium of Beijing Institute of Physical Education

  19. 北京的鸟巢体育馆是复杂交错的钢架结构,看上很像一个鸟窝。

    Beijing 's Bird 's Nest stadium is an interlocking mesh of steel that looks much like a roost for birds .

  20. 昨天,艾薇儿在北京五棵松室内体育馆为她的此次世界巡演成功落幕。恭喜艾薇儿顺利完成巡演!

    Yesterday , Avril performed at Beijing 's Wukesong Indoor Stadium , the last stop on her world tour . Congrats , Avril !

  21. CGM灌浆料在北京理工大学体育馆工程中的应用

    CGM grouting material in gymnasium engineering of Beijing Institute of Technology

  22. 本文主要介绍了CGM高强无收缩灌浆料用于北京理工大学体育馆工程的施工技术特点、技术要求和施工工艺。

    This thesis mainly introduces CGM high-strength non-shrinkage grouting material construction technical features and requirements in P.E. Engineering .

  23. 本文针对北京五所高校体育馆的声学测量结果,结合高校体育馆以体育教学为主、空间设计灵活的特点,对高校体育馆建筑声学设计和衡量标准中存在的问题进行了初步的探讨。

    According to the results of the acoustics measure of gymnasium among five universities in Beijing , with the characteristics of physical lessons and the greater changes in space , this article is the preliminary discussion on some problems of acoustics design and criterion of the university 's gymnasium .

  24. 北京奥组委场馆化模式的组织分析&以北京理工大学体育馆运行团队为例

    An Analysis on BOCOG 's Venue-oriented Organizing Model & Taking the Venue Operation Team in BIT as an Example

  25. 2008年她在北京奥运会闭幕式上担任过主要角色。2009年12月31日在北京首都体育馆举办个人演唱会,回顾自己的舞台生涯;

    She had a prominent role during the closing ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008 and held the concert " 20 Years of Na , " a retrospective of her career , at the Capital Gymnasium , in late 2009 .