
  • 网络Warehouse keeper;store keeper;Storekeeper
  1. 库管员应经素质培训合格,持证上岗。

    Warehouse keeper shall be approved by the quality of training qualified , certified .

  2. 他是一个经验丰富、注重结果的库管员。我相信他会成为你公司的栋梁之才。

    He has developed into a resourceful and result-oriented store keeper who , I believe , will be a good asset to your company .

  3. 从材料的选购、加工、包装、运输等方面,层层把好关,最后到工地经质检员和库管员验收入库。

    From material choose and buy , producing , packing , transportation , etc , should be watched well , finally go into warehouse after inspectors and warehouse keeper check .