
  1. 中国历史文化名村朱家峪古村落位于章丘市官庄乡境内,是山东省第一个国家级历史文化名村。

    Zhu jia yu ancient village , which is the first famous Chinese historic cultural village in Shandong Province , is located in Zhangqiu city .

  2. 选择和确认一批具有代表价值的古村落,以中国历史文化名村的形式予以及时抢救和重点保护,是保护人类文化遗产的迫切需要。

    It is , therefore , quite urgent to select and decide on a number of representative ancient villages for immediate rescue and special protection as " China 's famous villages of historic and cultural interest " .

  3. 位于北京西部门头沟区的古村落群,以其独特的地理环境和个性鲜明的地方文化而著称,是山地村落的典型代表,多个村落被评为中国历史文化名村。

    The ancient village of the Mentougou District in western Beijing is a mountain village typical representative . It is known for its unique geographical environment and distinctive local culture . The number of village in Mentougou District , was named the Chinese historical and culture village .

  4. 《历史文化名城名镇名村保护条例》实施以来,中国历史文化名镇名村的保护工作取得了较大的进展。

    After the implementation of the Regulations on Protecting Historical Famous Towns and Villages , great process has been made in protecting China 's historical famous towns and villages .