
  1. 《圣经》中说人的寿命是70年。

    The Bible states that the life of man is three score and ten .

  2. “拜托,”他在电报中说,“别管它了。”

    ' Please , ' he telegraphed , ' just leave it alone . '

  3. 基督在布道中说人们应该互爱。

    Christ preached that we should love each other .

  4. 如果他们将来能说一口流利的英语,中国将成为所有非英语国家中说英语的人数最多的国家。

    If they can speak good English in the future , China will have the greatest number of English speakers of any non-English speaking country .

  5. 研究人员在他们的报告中说,许多人都说他们在酒店或家外的其他地方的第一晚都很难入睡。

    In their report , the researchers said many people report they have a harder time sleeping the first night at a hotel or other places outside their home .

  6. 同样的话从不同人的口中说去来,产生的效果则完全不同。

    The same words uttered from different people can have different effect .

  7. 新南威尔士州的环境部长在一份声明中说,新南威尔士州会尽一切努力为后代保护考拉。

    In a statement , the New South Wales Environment Minister said his state would do everything it could to protect koalas for future generations .

  8. 但实际次数可能没你想的那么多,我们只在七分之一该表达感谢的场合中说“谢谢你”。

    But not as much as you may think – we only say ' thank you ' just one in seven occasions2 that we should do .

  9. 他在声明中说:“我们经常过于关注蔬果的外貌,而不是味道。一旦苹果削皮切片,它曾经有点瑕疵或者长得不那么好看就根本不是事儿。”

    He said in a statement : ' We often focus too much on the look of produce rather than the taste . Once you peel or cut an apple you can 't tell it once had a blemish5 or was misshapen .

  10. 有一天,黛丽收到儿子寄来的一个包裹,里面放着一些药片和一封信,儿子在信中说:“亲爱的妈妈,我给你寄来了一些神奇的药片,返老还童片,吃了后你会变得健康年轻。”

    One day , she received a package with some pills and a letter from her son . The letter said , " Dear Mom , I am sending you some wonder drug called rejuvenation pills . It will make you well and years younger . "

  11. 美国银行(BankofAmerica)在上周晚些时候的一份报告中说,美国联邦储备委员会(Fed)的数据显示,过去4周银行资产增加了7120亿美元。

    Federal Reserve data show that bank assets have increased $ 712 billion in the past four weeks , Bank of America said in a report late last week .

  12. 就像英国《太阳报》(TheSun)在关于贝克汉姆夫人纽约时装秀的报道中说的:“哈珀·贝克汉姆抢了时装秀的风头。”

    As the British newspaper The Sun put it in its report about Ms. Beckham 's New York Fashion Week show : " Harper Beckham steals show . "

  13. PVM石油期货有限公司(PVMOilFuturesLtd)可以确认,它是6月30日周二未授权交易的受害者,PVM在一份声明中说。

    PVM Oil Futures Ltd can confirm that it was the victim of unauthorised trading on Tuesday June 30 , it said in a statement .

  14. 卡扎菲在10月6日播出的录音(已知的最后录音)讲话中说,利比亚殉难者的鲜血不会白流,并呼吁支持者与北约和利比亚新成立的全国过渡委员会(NationalTransitionalCouncil)进行战斗。

    ' The blood of the martyrs of the Libyan people will not go to waste , 'he said in his last known broadcast , on Oct.6 , urging supporters to fight NATO and Libya 's new National Transitional Council .

  15. 2013年,在即将卸任之际,纽约市长迈克尔·R·布隆伯格(MichaelR.Bloomberg)在自己每周的广播节目中说:“如果我们能让全世界的亿万富翁都搬到这座城市来,那可真是天大的好事。”

    Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg said on his weekly radio program in 2013 , shortly before leaving office : " If we could get every billionaire around the world to move here , it would be a godsend . "

  16. 29岁的Min-KyuChoi买了一个号称世界上最薄的笔记本,宣传中说它薄到可以塞进信封。

    Min-Kyu Choi , 29 , had bought the world 's thinnest laptop , advertised as being slim enough to fit in an envelope .

  17. 头晕目眩的拉森正在澳大利亚拍摄《金刚:骷髅岛》(Kong:SkullIsland),她在电话采访中说,自己已经准备好参加下一波的奥斯卡奖活动,尽管她还不知道到底都是些什么活动,需要自己做什么。

    A groggy Ms. Larson , reached by phone in Australia , where she is filming " Kong : Skull Island , " said she was ready and willing to join the next wave of Oscar glad-handing , although she didn 't know quite what form that would take .

  18. Kopchinski在一份声明中说:在部队里,我不惜一切代价保护人民。

    " In the Army I was expected to protect people at all costs ," Kopchinski said in a statement .

  19. 他在消息中说:我们刚刚在Torez地区击落了1架安-26,它坠落在进步矿附近。

    His chilling message read : In the area Torez we just hit down An-26 , its lying somewhere in the mine Progress .

  20. 随着人们越来越习惯可穿戴技术,像MagicLeap这样的技术就会变得更加普遍。“MagicLeap超越了人们目前对移动计算、增强现实和虚拟现实的看法,”MagicLeap创始人兼首席执行官罗尼·阿伯维茨(RonyAbovitz)在一份声明中说。

    As people become more comfortable with wearable technology , technologies like Magic Leap are likely to become more commonplace . " Magic Leap is going beyond the current perception of mobile computing , augmented reality and virtual reality , " Magic Leap 's founder and chief executive , Rony Abovitz , said in a statement .

  21. 他在诗作中说特洛伊人努力保护自己的城市。

    He said Trojans worked very hard to protect their city .

  22. 说真的,经理在会议中说了什么?

    Seriously , what did the manager say in the meeting ?

  23. 问题4:基斯·波特在采访中说了些什么?

    Question 4 : What did Keith Porter say at an interview ?

  24. 马基是在美国广播公司的“本周”节目中说这番话的。

    Markey was speaking on ABC 's This Week program .

  25. 说那些没人会在旅途中说的事。

    Telling me things no one tells you on journeys .

  26. 这是她一生中说的唯一一次脏话。

    That was the only time she ever cursed in her life .

  27. 传说中说他们一生下来就很邪恶。

    The legend says that they were born so evil .

  28. 文中说用了该构件的构造形式、材料性能和制造方法。

    The configuration material performance and manufacturing of solar array structure are described .

  29. 你的口供中说你觉得有人在跟踪�

    In your statement , it says you believe someone is following you .

  30. “这其中包括大量仅存的唯一资料。”比灵顿在采访中说。

    " There are many one-of-a-kind documents ," Billington said in an interview .