
běi fá zhàn zhēng
  • the Northern Expedition;the Northern Expedition Army War
北伐战争 [běi fá zhàn zhēng]
  • [the Northern Expedition Army War] 1926-1927年中国共产党和国民党合作进行的反对北洋军阀的战争。简称北伐

北伐战争[běi fá zhàn zhēng]
  1. 广东人民在北伐战争开始前,积极敦促国民政府早日出师北伐。

    Long before the Northern Expedition , Guangdong people actively urged the National Government to send out an army as early as possible . After the Northern Expedition started , Guangdong people actively contributed to it by cooperating and participating .

  2. 李大钊在北伐战争中的军运活动

    Li Dazhao 's Military Activities in the Northern Expedition War

  3. 北伐战争前国民革命军的编组

    Organization of the Nationalist Army before the Northern Expedition War

  4. 首次国共两党联合战线与北伐战争打倒列强除军阀&试论北伐战争中的爱国主义精神

    First United Border Line of the Two Parties and the Northern Expedition

  5. 时代呼唤统一,国民政府的北伐战争承担了这一历史重任。

    The Northern Expedition War of Citizen 's Government undertook the historical task .

  6. 广东人民对北伐战争的贡献

    Contribution of Guangdong People to the Northern Expedition

  7. 第一阶段,是参加北伐战争。

    The first was the stage in which we took part in the Northern Expedition .

  8. 把安徽战场放到北伐战争的整个进程中来看,可能微不足道。

    The Anhui battle in the Northern Expedition War of the entire process , may not worth mentioning .

  9. 北伐战争为什么没有成功,没有解决吃饭问题呢?

    Why did the Northern Expedition of1926-27not succeed and why did it not solve the problem of feeding the population ?

  10. 1926年10月,上海工人为配合北伐战争发动武装起义。

    Shanghai workers launched armed insurrection for the coordination of the Northern Expedition in octo , 1926 , but they failed .

  11. 开始了国共合作,导致北伐战争的胜利。

    He initiated cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party , which brought about the success of the Northern Expedition .

  12. 北伐战争的胜利进军,是中华儿女用爱国主义的热血挥洒在神州大地的英雄史诗。

    The successful march of the Expedition was a heroic epic for which the sons and daughters of China shed blood on the land .

  13. 1926年7月正式发动的北伐战争,是中国乃至世界军事史上最辉煌的战事之一。

    The Northern Expedition War , started in July , 1926 , has been one of the most splendid wars in both China and the world military history .

  14. 北伐战争是1924-1927年国民革命的核心内容之一,而如何进行北伐自然成为指导这场战争的基本理论依据。

    The Northern Expedition is one of the core contents of national revolution in 1924-1927 . so how to have the Northern Expedition become the fundamental theory base .

  15. 1927年初李大钊的外交活动,对于武汉国民政府争取外交上的主动,策应北伐战争的进行,有着重大的意义。

    Li 's diplomatic activities in early 1927 is of great significance for Wuhan Government to attain diplomatic initiative and support Northern Expedition ( 1926 - 1927 ) .

  16. 第三,论述北伐战争时期和济南惨案后民间的革命外交观念及其实践特点。

    Thirdly , I will expound the idea and practical features of the people 's revolutionary diplomacy during the period of the Northern Expedition and after the Jinan Massacre .

  17. 黔军在护国、护法和北伐战争中的历史作用战争或者灾难时期国民自我保护的行为。

    Qian Army s Contribution in Nation Protection , Law Protection and Northern Expedition ; activities organized by civilians for their own protection in time of war or disaster .

  18. 例如,十三年以前,援助中国人民的北伐战争;一年以前,援助西班牙人民的反抗德意的战争;

    For instance , it helped the Chinese people in their war of the Northern Expedition thirteen years ago and the Spanish people in their war against Germany and Italy up to this last year ;

  19. 在这一点上,我们党从一九二一年成立直至一九二六年参加北伐战争的五六年内,是认识不足的。

    Our Party did not grasp this point fully during the first five or six years after it was founded , that is , from 1921 to its participation in the Northern Expedition in 1926 .

  20. 是靠北伐战争,靠第一次国共合作,靠那时候人民还没有摸清他的底细,还拥护他。

    By the Northern Expedition , by the first period of co-operation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party , by the support given him by the people , who had not yet seen through him .

  21. 国民革命时期的农民协会,领导农民进行了支援北伐战争、开展反帝斗争和农村大革命等一系列活动。

    The peasant associations , in the First Revolutionary Civil War period , led peasants to support the Northern Expedition War , and launched a series of activities in the Rural Great Revolution and the anti-imperialist struggle .

  22. 这个特点,使红军的作战不能不和一般战争以及苏联内战、北伐战争都有许多的不同。

    It necessarily makes the military operations of the Red Army different in many ways from those of wars in general and from those of the civil war in the Soviet Union or of the Northern Expedition .

  23. 放射性种子战胜致命的前列腺癌开始了国共合作,导致北伐战争的胜利。

    Radiation " Seeds " Are the latest in a Suite of Treatments to Combat Deadly Prostate Cancer He initiated cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party , which brought about the success of the Northern Expedition .

  24. 几次北伐战争的失败,宋主企图收复幽云的愿望破灭,这反映出当时辽宋两国的力量对比呈现均势的状态。

    The failure of a few Northern Expedition fighting , Sung lord attempts to recover the wishes of You cloud to fall through . This reflects at that time Liao Sung two countries of the strength contrast presented the status of balance of power .

  25. 北伐战争前,安徽社会经济平稳发展,农业、工业和手工业都取得了一定的成绩,农业种植面积和单产都有所增加,工业中的棉纺织业和制烟业规模有所扩大。

    Before the Northern Expedition War War , Anhui social economic has been developed , agriculture , industry and handicraft industry have made some achievements in agriculture , planting area and yield increase , industry in the cotton textile industry and the tobacco industry to expand somewhat .

  26. 在整个北伐战争中,安徽并不是主战场,但是,到了北伐后期,它的重要性却日益突出,因为它成为安国军和国民革命军争夺的重点地区之一。

    During the Northern Expedition War , Anhui is not the main battlefield , but , to the Northern Expedition War period , its importance has become increasingly prominent , because it has become one of the An Guo Army and the National Revolutionary Army focus area .