
  1. 中国工商银行(icbc)今晚将在北京发布中期报告,人们预期其公布的今年上半年盈利将为全球同业最高值。

    Industrial and Commercial Bank of China is expected to report the biggest profit of any bank in the world for the first half of the year when it releases its interim report this evening in Beijing .

  2. 这项报告由中国与全球化智库于周三在北京发布。

    The report was released by the Center for China and Globalization , a think tank in Beijing , on Wednesday .

  3. 这款配备惊艳夺目的无边框6.4寸屏幕的设备是小米在北京发布,由法国设计师菲利普·斯塔克设计的。

    Designedby French designer Philippe Starck and announced at Xiaomi 's Beijing eventtoday , the 6.4-inch device features a striking bezel-less display .

  4. 上周六,北京发布了有史以来的第二次红色预警——四个预警级别中的最高级别,此次预警持续到周二。

    On Saturday , Beijing issued its second-ever red alert , the highest level of a four-tier warning system , effective through Tuesday .

  5. 近日,北京发布了空气重污染“红色预警”,并宣布了一系列紧急治污措施,其中包括实施机动车单双号限行。

    Yesterday Beijing introduced a series of emergency " red alert " pollution measures , one of which restricts car owners to driving only on alternate days .

  6. 在中国移动宣布开始预订iPhone6的同一天里,魅族在北京发布了其最新一代的智能手机。

    On the same day that China Mobile started its reservation service for the iPhone 6 , Chinese company Meizu Telecom Equipment Co Ltd introduced its latest smartphone in Beijing .

  7. 周二,北京发布的一份报告显示,中国8月份的制造业活动跌至三年来最低水平,当前生产和新订单都不断减少。

    On Tuesday , a report from Beijing showed that Chinese manufacturing activity had slipped in August to a three-year low , with both current production and new orders falling .

  8. 近几年,中国各省提供数据一直显示,这个世界第三大经济体的规模,要大于北京发布的估算,但今年的差距似乎有所扩大。

    In recent years , provincial figures have suggested consistently the world 's third-largest economy is bigger than Beijing 's published estimate , but the discrepancy appears to have widened this year .

  9. 根据2010年1月15日在北京发布的《第25次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》显示,截至2009年12月,我国网民规模已达3.84亿。

    The 25th Statistical Report on Internet Development in China published in Beijing on January 15 , 2010 shows that by December , 2009 , the number of Chinese Internet users had reached 384 million .

  10. 北京发布了外国企业如何将海外人民币资金带到中国进行投资的规则,这一举措使人民币朝更重要的国际角色再推进一小步。

    Beijing has published rules to govern how foreign companies can bring offshore renminbi funds into China for investment , a move that nudges the Chinese currency a step closer to a more prominent international role .

  11. 在北京正式发布后,该公司又将北京的中心商业区囊括在内。

    With its official launch , it has added the city 's Central Business District .

  12. 中华医学会日前在北京正式发布了《内科住院患者静脉血栓栓塞症预防的中国专家建议》。

    " Chinese Medical Association recently published in Beijing ," medical patients to prevent venous thromboembolism in the Chinese experts recommend .

  13. 今年冬天,北京已经发布了两次雾霾“红色预警”,并实行了车辆限行,关闭学校和工厂。

    Beijing has already issued two " red alerts " for smog this winter , which see cars taken off roads and schools and factories closed .

  14. 同时,考虑到周日早上的暴雪,及席卷中国北部的寒冷天气,北京市发布全市暴雪橙色预警及部分地区红色预警信号。

    Meanwhile , Beijing authorities released a citywide orange alert and regional red alert concerning blizzards early on Sunday morning as a cold spell swept across northern China .

  15. 根据北京警方发布的声明表示,马彩云的丈夫李福生是昌平区法院的一名警官,也在枪击案中受伤。

    Ma 's husband , Li Fusheng , a police officer at the same court , was injured in the shooting , according to a statement issued by Beijing police .

  16. 北京最近发布了包括禁止民工(城市三分之一的人口)购买房产或者小汽车的一系列超出常规的措施来缓和房地产价格,缓解交通堵塞。

    Beijing recently launched a set of extraordinary measures to tame property prices and ease traffic congestion that included all but banning migrants ( one-third of the city 's population ) from buying homes or cars .

  17. 本周北京方面发布的又一批数据,进一步说明了发改委面对的两难局面:3月下旬全国50个城市的平均食品价格比3月中旬略微上涨,比去年同期则高出11%。

    Another set of data out this week from Beijing shed more light on the dilemma the NDRC faces : the average food price in 50 cities during the last 10 days of March rose slightly from mid-March and was up 11 per cent from the same period last year .

  18. 今年8月,北京市政府发布相关规定草案,加大对豆芽生产的监管力度。

    In August , the Beijing government circulated draft regulations to tighten supervision over the production of bean sprouts .

  19. 去年,北京市政府发布健康忠告,教公众如何辨别不安全的豆芽。

    Last year , the Beijing municipal government issued a health advisory with tips to the public on how to detect unsafe bean sprouts .

  20. 北京还有望发布一系列措施来刺激蹒跚不前的房地产市场,力图防止美国式的住宅价格崩溃发生。

    Beijing is also widely expected to introduce measures to resuscitate the faltering property market , in an attempt to prevent a U.S. - style crash in home prices .

  21. 而在一周之前,北京才刚刚发布首次红色预警,尽管北京多年来一直受到严重雾霾的困扰。官方通讯社新华社报道,截至周三,中国已有十座城市发布红色预警。

    It came only a week after its first one , even though the capital has been plagued by heavy smog for years . By Wednesday , 10 cities in China had issued red alerts , the state news agency Xinhua reported .

  22. 北京市有关部门发布的规划文件指出,北京计划建设数字贸易试验区,以进一步推动技术创新及服务产业和数字经济对外开放。

    Beijing is planning to build a pilot digital trade zone in a bid to boost technological innovation and opening-up of its services sector and digital economy , according to plans released by Beijing authorities on Monday .

  23. CCTV记者沈乐在北京国际展览中心发布这个报道。

    CCTV reporter Shen Le filed this story from Beijing International Exhibition Center .

  24. 例如,日产(Nissan)将在北京汽车展上发布其与中方合资伙伴东风汽车(DongfengMotors)联合研发的自主品牌启辰(Venucia)。

    Nissan will launch Venucia , its own brand with joint venture partner Dongfeng Motors , at the Beijing auto show , for example .

  25. 预计福特将在下周一开幕的北京汽车展上发布一款运动型多功能车(SUV),希望挖掘中国年轻买家对更好玩、更具个性色彩的车型不断增长的需求。

    Ford is expected to unveil a sport utility vehicle at the Beijing car show , which opens on Monday , hoping to tap rising mainland demand for more fun , individualistic kinds of vehicles among younger buyers .

  26. 根据北京方面今年夏天发布的修正数据,EIA得出结论,在2000年到2013年间,全球最大的污染国和煤炭消费国燃烧的煤炭量高出之前报告的数值至多14%。

    Based on revised data released by Beijing this summer , the EIA has concluded that the world 's largest polluter and consumer of coal burnt up to 14 per cent more of the fossil fuel between 2000 and 2013 than previously reported .

  27. 《北京市规划信息发布系统》的特点与研制方法

    Characteristics and Developing method of Planning Information Publishing System on Beijing

  28. 北京方面预计将发布法规,遏制这种做法。

    Beijing is expected to issue regulations to curb the practice .

  29. 北京市气象台发布了北京史上首个霾橙色预警。

    The municipal meteorological station has also issued the city 's first orange fog warning .

  30. 尽管北京方面还没有发布任何可供比较的图表,但是布拉提格玛估计中国2009年发放的资金数目是31亿美元。

    While Beijing has not published a comparable figure , Brautigam says China disbursed an estimated $ 3.1 billion in2009 .