
  • Basic Domain;【数】fundamental region
  1. 近来,研究者们提出了一些基本域算法训练支持向量机。

    Some algorithms in the primal have been recently proposed for training support vector machines ( SVMs ) .

  2. 本文提出了一些扩充基本域的建议,并给出了其在异构、联邦数据库系统中模式集成时的应用。

    This paper proposes some methods to expand domain , and finds its applications in schema integration of heterogeneous , federated database systems .

  3. 问题的出现与教材编写者对于比较文学理论知识的核心域、基本域、扩展域与相关域之结构的认识存在误区有密切关系。

    These problems stem from the editors'misconceptions of nuclear scope , fundamental domain , extension field as well as related domain in comparative literature .

  4. TIPC稳态电压基本可行域的评估与优化

    Basic feasible region assessment and optimization of TIPC steady-state voltage

  5. 建立了调谐型相间功率控制器(TIPC)稳态运行电压的基本可行域,并定义域的性能评估指标;

    This paper establishes a steady-state voltage 's basic feasible region of tuned inter-phase power controller ( TIPC ), and defines an evaluation index of the region .

  6. 第二节给出了基本信赖域算法;

    In the second pait , the basic trust region algorithm is given ;

  7. 调谐型相间功率控制器稳态电压基本可行域的解析

    Basic feasible region analysis of tuned IPC steady-state voltage

  8. 女性面临着如何在两性关系&自我认同的最基本场域,确立自己的身份这一问题。

    Female faced the issue of establishing her self identity in the relationship between male and female .

  9. 作为现代性的基本论域之一,怀乡是对现代性的现实反应。

    As one of the basic domain of researches , it is a response to the realities of modernity .

  10. 温度作为人的基本认知域之一,所衍生出的温度概念十分丰富。

    As one of the basic cognitive domains of humans , the sense of temperature has brought a broad scope of temperature concepts .

  11. 建立了基本可行域的性能优化模型,并提出域的几种基本优化方式;

    Secondly , the paper establishes an optimization model of the region and presents several basic optimizing ways of the basic feasible region .

  12. 到《平凡的世界》,城乡交叉地带仍是他苦难叙事里人生故事的基本场域。

    In The Normal World , the locale for tales in his narrative of life miseries is still the " intersecting zone between town and country " .

  13. 文献[1]已经介绍了综合最佳飞行控制系统的基本时间域方法,本文继从工程观点介绍这个课题的频率域方法,描述对象仍是线性二次型最佳问题。

    Reference [ 1 ] has demonstrated the basic time-domain technique of synthesizing optimal flight control system . This paper continues to introduce frequency-domain approach on the topic from the engineering viewpoint .

  14. 关于如何设置基本TSA集群域以及相关命令的更多信息,请参考附录A。

    For more information on how to set up a basic TSA cluster domain and the related commands , please refer to Appendix A.

  15. 基本项标识域中一组对象的根(或起始点);在一个域中可以有多个基本项。

    A base entry identifies the root ( or starting point ) for a set of objects within that realm ; within a realm , there can be several base entries .

  16. 文中结合区间抽象域与仿射等式抽象域构建了基本的抽象域表示,定义了相关域操作,给出了基本链表操作对应的状态迁移函数。

    We define the domain representation and the domain operations by combining interval abstract domain and affine equality abstract domain . Transfer functions for basic list operations are also presented accordingly .

  17. 由于边界单元法只在边界上剖分单元,通过基本解把域内未知量化为边界未知量求解,自由度数目大大减少,计算效率较高。

    The computing efficiency is excellent with BEM since the elements are divided only on the boundaries and the number of freedom is reduced greatly through translating the inner unknown quantity to the boundary with basic solution .

  18. 基本思想是每个域包将提供一个或者更多的Web服务给其它域包、应用程序,甚至可能是外部系统。

    The basic idea is that each domain package will offer one or more Web services to other domain packages , applications , and potentially even external systems .

  19. 基本Visitor接口为域中的每个具体类型都提供了一个访问方法。

    The base Visitor interface contains a visit method for every concrete type in the domain .

  20. 本文发展了Cantor用基本列构造实数域的理论,提出超基本列的新概念;

    This paper develops cantor 's theory of making real numbers field with cauchy sequence . It put forwards the new concept of hyper cau - chy sequence .

  21. 在利用高斯子波得到的以弯曲度为基本量的无穷域中NS方程的基础上,得到了有界区域内的以弯曲度为基本量的NS方程。

    Gaussian wavelet is used to obtain the N-S equation with flexion as a fundamental quantity in an infinite domain . The ( N-S ) equation with flexion as a fundamental quantity in a finite domain is shown .

  22. 进一步的结构域分析发现,推测的猪SOCS-3蛋白序列含有SOCS家族基本的SH2结构域和SOCS-box。

    Further CDD analysis showed that the SOCS-3 protein which deduced from the cloned sequence has the SH2 domain and the SOCS-box which are the basic domains of SOCS family .

  23. 结构域是蛋白质结构、功能和进化的基本单位,结构域特征决定着蛋白质的功能。

    Domains represent the basic structural , functional and evolutionary units of proteins .

  24. 军事哲学体系本质上是开放的,对军事哲学的基本问题和问题域的认识是随着军事实践的发展而不断拓展的。

    Our comprehension of military philosophy deepens with the development of the times and especially with military practice .

  25. 沟域经济是山区发展的新模式,基本涵盖了沟域发展的各个层面,是独具山区发展特色的经济地理形态。

    Valley economy , featured by valley development , is a new mode in mountainous area development , and prenents a distinguishing economic geographic pattern .

  26. 对于内热源的区域积分,通过高阶拉普拉斯算子基本解,特区域积分变换成边界积分,使二维问题变成完全一维问题。

    The domain integral including inner source is translated into the complete boundary integral by the fundamental solution of high-order laplace operator . The two-dimensional problem becomes one-dimensional one .

  27. 域是数据存储的基本单位,每个域一般含有由数据库描述的属于实体的一个方面或一个特性的信息。

    Fields are the basic units of data storage , and each field typically contains information pertaining to one aspect or attribute of the entity described by the database .

  28. 基本上每个磁域都能按极化的方式存储一个字节信息的“1”或“0”。

    In principle , each of these magnetic domains could store the " one " or the " zero " of a bit of information , according to how it was polarised .

  29. 着重论述重要度联合区位法的基本原理和市域干线公路网规划两路交通区位分析,并提出了该方法的具体操作流程。

    The authors discuss the fundamentals of Associated Method of Important Degree - traffic Area Location and the analysis of traffic area location of two kinds of loads in the regional trunk road network planning , meanwhile bring forward the detailed operational procedures .

  30. 第二部分和第三部分在一维空间的基础上,分别在两个二维空间基本单元&三角域和矩形域上,采取循序渐进的思路尝试构造求积公式,并对公式的构造过程引发了种种思考。

    Part II and Part III in a dimensional space , based on two dimensional space at the basic unit - Triangular and rectangular fields , the idea of incremental progress in trying to construct quadrature formula , the formula of the construction process and led to all the thinking .