
  • 网络fund investors
  1. 证券投资基金投资者利益保护之立法研究

    Legislative Study on Investors Profit Protection of Securities Investment Funds

  2. 对冲基金投资者也要承担部分责任。

    Hedge fund investors share some of the blame .

  3. 请看谢尔登・雅各布斯(SheldonJacobs)在1992年年初引入的一项策略,雅各布斯当时是一本名为《免佣基金投资者》(No-LoadFundInvestor)的投资通讯的编辑。

    Consider a strategy introduced at the beginning of 1992 by Sheldon Jacobs , then the editor of an investment newsletter called the No-Load Fund Investor .

  4. 先锋集团(vanguard)的一项研究显示,62%的etf散户投资者倾向于“买入并长期持有”,而共同基金投资者中有84%持此策略。

    One study by vanguard found that 62 per cent of its retail ETF investors tend to " buy and hold " compared with 84 per cent of mutual fund investors .

  5. 从明年开始,俄罗斯可能拿出250亿美元资金,投向外国股票和公司债券。即将离任的总统普京(VladimirPutin)正在力推相关计划,意在把俄罗斯转变成一个强大的主权财富基金投资者。

    Russia is gearing up to invest a potential $ 25bn in foreign share stakes and corporate bonds , starting next year , as outgoing President Vladimir Putin pushes ahead with plans to turn the country into a powerful sovereign wealth fund investor .

  6. 开放式基金投资者赎回行为的模拟

    Simulation of the Redeeming Behavior of Open-End Fund Investor

  7. 每个基金投资者拥有整个蛋糕中的一块。

    Each investor in the fund gets a slice of the total pie .

  8. 共同基金投资者在赎回或撤出时支付的费用。

    A sales charge paid by the investor at the time of purchase .

  9. 共同基金投资者在购买基金时支付之销售费用。

    A fee paid by an investor at the time of redemption or withdrawal .

  10. 当然,所得到的结论对于个体基金投资者也是适用的。

    Of course , the conclusions obtained for individual fund investors were also applicable .

  11. 该趋势将持续下去的前景,正影响着亚洲地区共同基金投资者的行为。

    The prospect of this trend maintaining momentum is influencing mutual fund investor behaviour across Asia .

  12. 但基金投资者很快平静了下来,从市场上撤出资金的步骤慢了下来。

    Fund investors soon calmed , however , and the retreat slowed across the broad market .

  13. 相比于私人股本和对冲基金投资者,它们对市场状况不那么敏感。

    They are also less sensitive to market conditions than private equity or hedge fund investors .

  14. 这种逆向资产选择大范围存在,一位对冲基金投资者表示。

    This adverse asset selection was going on a lot , says one hedge fund investor .

  15. 这暗示着基金投资者对基金资产可能有不切实际的高收益回报期望。

    This implies that fund investors in the fund assets may have unrealistic expectations for high-yield returns .

  16. 近日,米勒在致基金投资者的一份报告中谈到了微软。

    In a recent commentary to his funds investors , Miller had a few words about Microsoft .

  17. 这番警告可能会提醒私人股本基金投资者降低预期。

    The warning may come as a reminder to investors in private equity funds to reduce expectations .

  18. 基金投资者的分类监管

    Classified Regulation of Fund Investors

  19. 本文的撰写目的是构建中国私募股权基金投资者资格制度。

    This article is aimed at structuring the Chinese legal system for qualified investor of private equity fund .

  20. 从基金投资者购买基金产品的那一刻起投资者与基金公司之间实质上已经构成了契约关系。

    Since the moment the investors buy fund products . Investors and fund companies essentially constitute a contractual relationship .

  21. 很多最大的对冲基金投资者曾致信或拜访过该局,要求其增强开放度。

    Many of the biggest hedge fund investors have written to or visited the islands ' financial regulator demanding greater openness .

  22. 日兴资产为日本共同基金投资者管理着价值超过10亿美元对中国内地A股市场的投资。

    Nikko AM manages more than $ 1bn worth of investments in China 's domestic A-share market for Japanese mutual fund investors .

  23. 考虑到共同基金投资者的这种长期和强烈的怀疑态度,牛市无疑还有很长的路要走。

    Given the profound skepticism towards the rally among fund investors , the bull market should be given the benefit of the doubt .

  24. 即便在日本基金投资者的风险偏好上升时,他们对股票的配置也相对较少,而且是周期性的,持有时间不长。

    Even when Japanese fund investors have increased their risk appetite ; any allocation to equities has been relatively small , cyclical and fleeting .

  25. 这一结论对广大基金投资者具有普遍指导意义,对基金管理公司发行多大规模的基金具有借鉴作用。

    This conclusion has the universal instruction for the general fund investors and reference for fund management companies on the issuance of fund scale .

  26. 由于信息的不对称性,基金投资者和管理者之间存在广泛的委托-代理问题&道德风险和逆向选择。

    There is a wide range of principal-agent problem-the risk of moral hazard and adverse selection due to information asymmetry , fund investors and managers .

  27. 如果银行崩溃,交易所交易基金投资者将发现他们手中资产如大杂烩一般,而不是投资组合。

    Eg. if the bank failed , ETF investors would find that they acquired a hotch-potch of assets , rather than the portfolio they expected .

  28. 一些基金投资者就一直尝试着商讨对私募机构长期持有而不是鲁莽地强制抛售以及获得很普通的收益。

    Far from coercing private-equity houses to sell rashly and make modest returns , some fund investors have even been trying to negotiate longer holding periods .

  29. 网络信息隐私权保护中的利益平衡问题研究我国房地产投资信托基金投资者利益保护

    Study on Balance of Interests in the Protection of Privacy Concerning Internet Information ; Legal Issues on Investor Protection in Real Estate Investment Trusts in China

  30. 在2012年预测欧元注定灭亡的大批经济学家和对冲基金投资者,严重误读了这场危机的政治格局。

    The legions of economists and hedge fund investors who in 2012 predicted the certain demise of the euro badly misread the politics of the crisis .