
  1. 电化学CO传感器稳定性研究

    Study on Stability of Electrochemical CO Sensor

  2. 改进了前置摄像头的VGA传感器稳定性。

    Vignetting test of2nd camera fixed , VGA sensor stability .

  3. Michelson干涉型光纤磁场传感器稳定性研究

    Stability of Michelson Interferometric Fiber-Optic Magnetic Sensor

  4. 该TB传感器稳定性好且具有良好的选择性,其它致病菌如大肠埃希氏菌、铜绿假单胞菌和金黄色葡萄球菌的基因组DNA对于目标物的测定几乎不产生影响。

    Genomic DNA from other pathogenic bacterias ( Escherichia coli , Pseudomonas aeruginosa , and Staphylococcus aureus ) had a negligible effect on its detection , which guaranteed the good selectivity of the TB sensor .

  5. 神经网络具有良好的非线性逼近性能及自学习、自适应性;为了提高传感器稳定性、可靠性、实用性,本文主要研究了BP神经网络在智能传感仪表系统中的应用。

    The neural network has good performance of nonlinear approximation and self-learning , adaptive ; In order to enhance the stability , reliability , and usability of Methane sensor , this paper studies the BP Neural Network application in Intelligent Sensing Instrumentation System .

  6. 系统讨论了影响pH-ISFET传感器稳定性的各种因素,在此基础上给出了一些实验结果,并提出了提高器件稳定性的措施。

    Factors are systematically analysed which affect the stability of pH-ISFET sensor . Based on these discuss , some results of experiments are given , so are the further measures to improve the stability .

  7. 提高幅值型光纤传感器稳定性的方法

    The methods to improve the stability of amplitude optical fiber sensor

  8. 提高光纤电压传感器稳定性方法的研究

    Research on Improving Stability Methods for Optical Fiber Voltage Sensor

  9. 一种用以提高强度型光纤传感器稳定性的新方法

    A new scheme for improving stability of intensity modulation optical fiber sensors

  10. 感应式数字水位传感器稳定性、可靠性的研究

    The Research of Stability and Reliability of Inductive Digital Water Level Sensors

  11. 压力传感器稳定性老化工艺液压加载系统设计

    The Design of Hydraulic System for Pressure Sensor Stability Aging

  12. 基于多信息融合算法提高传感器稳定性

    Multi-information fusion algorithm used to enhance the stability of sensors

  13. 基于共振隧穿结构的压力传感器稳定性研究

    Research on the stability of pressure sensor based on resonant tunneling structure

  14. 硅压阻传感器稳定性品质的研究

    Research on the Stability of Piezoresistive Sensor 's Quality

  15. 偏振分束器对光学电流传感器稳定性的影响

    Research for the Effect of Polarization Beam-Splitter on Stability of Optical Current Sensor

  16. 压电石英加速度传感器稳定性研究

    Study on the Stability of Piezoelectric Quartz Accelerometer

  17. 硅微结构加速度传感器稳定性的研究

    On the stability of silicon microstructure acceleration transducer

  18. 提高光纤传感器稳定性的补偿网络的研究

    Study on New Technology of Compensation Network for Improving the Stability of Optical Fiber Sensor

  19. 干涉型光纤弱磁场传感器稳定性的研究光学电流互感器中微弱信号检测的仿真与分析

    Study on Stability of interferometric Fiber-Optic Low-intensity Magnetic Sensor Simulation and analysis of weak signal detection in OCT

  20. 薄壁件高速铣削三维稳定性及加工变形研究差分电容式微加速度传感器稳定性研究

    Three-dimensional Stability and Deformation of Thin-walled Part in High Speed End Milling Reserch on Stability of Difference Capacitive Micro-Accelerometer

  21. 直流相位跟踪法是保证传感器稳定性的有效方法,它可以消除外界环境因素引起的随机相位漂移。

    The PTDC can be very useful for keeping the stability of sensor , it can eliminate the phase drift produced by environmental factors .

  22. 理论及实验结果的吻合证明了光学电流传感器稳定性直接受偏振分束器两路消光比影响的结论。

    The consistence of theory and experiment results has proven the decision that sensor stability is directly affected by the two extinction ratios of PBS .

  23. 本文从误差分析的角度分析了影响传感器稳定性及精度的主要因素,提出解决措施。

    The major elements influencing its stability and measuring accuracy are analyzed on the basis of error analyzing and approaches to them are proposed in this paper .

  24. 为降低线双折射对光学磁场传感器稳定性和输出精度的影响,提出了光路补偿和电路补偿两种方案。

    In order to reduce the influence of linear birefringence on optical magnetic field sensor , an optical compensation method and a circuit compensation method were proposed .

  25. 环境湿度是传感器稳定性的重要影响因素,在50%RH的测试和存储环境中,传感器能保持最佳的敏感性和稳定性。

    Relative humidity ( RH ) is another important factor to sensor stability . In testing and storage circumstance of 50 % RH , sensors show best sensitivity and stability .

  26. 利用自补偿技术提高LVDT传感器的稳定性

    Improving Stability of LVDT Transducer with Self-compensation Technique

  27. 光纤法-布(F-P)应变传感器具有稳定性好、精度高、抗电磁干扰能力强等特点,在桥梁结构状态监测中得到日益广泛的应用。

    With the advantages of good stability , high precision and good electromagnetic resistance , the Fabry-Perot ( F-P ) strain sensor get increasing applications in the bridge structure status monitoring .

  28. 共源测量技术及时栅位移传感器的稳定性研究

    Study on Common Fountain Measure Technique and Time-grating Displacement Sensor Stability

  29. 石英谐振式力传感器及其稳定性的研究

    Study on the Quartz Resonator Force Sensor and It 's Stability

  30. 全光纤型光纤电流传感器长期稳定性的实验研究

    Experiment of Long Stability of Full-fiber Optical Fiber Current Sensor