
  • 网络environment selection;Environmental Choice;environmental selection
  1. 风水&中国传统环境选择理论简析

    Environmental Choice Theory : the Traditional Chinese Geomancy

  2. 建立了人工鱼产生交配欲望、产卵和环境选择等预定义行为的认知模型。

    Deterministic behavior models on copulation , spawning and environmental selection of artificial fish are built .

  3. 在服务部署配置页特别需要注意在客户端环境选择中的Clientproject选项。

    On the Service Deployment Configuration page , pay particular attention to the Client project item in the Client-Side Environment Selection section .

  4. 在用这些工具进行绘图时,通过鼠标操作自动设置坐标点和工具类型(比如方框),并通过GUI环境选择画笔和笔画宽度。

    In drawing with those tools , the mouse automatically sets the coordinate points and the type of tool , such as a box , and selects the pen and stroke for you via a GUI environment .

  5. 地震地质解释系统的环境选择与设计思想

    Environment Selection and Design Ideas of Seismic and Geologic Interpretation System

  6. 程序设计语言及其支撑环境选择的一种方法

    A method for selecting programming language and its supporting environment

  7. 用统计的方法,在做同义词替换时,根据上下文环境选择更合适的同义词做替换。

    By the statistical methods , a more appropriate synonym can be chosen .

  8. 其生殖对策及进化是高寒环境选择的结果。

    Its reproductive strategy and evolution was the result of the selection of alpine enviroment .

  9. 冲模铸件材料可依据模具的工作环境选择不同铸铁。

    Some kinds of casting irons are suitable for the dies according to their working conditions .

  10. 侗族村寨的地理环境选择及其特色是侗族历史变迁的必然结果。

    The changes of ethnic history have close relations to the choice of its living environment .

  11. 主要介绍雷达操控终端数字化设计的硬件、软件环境选择;

    This paper aims to reveal hardware and software environment selection in designing of radar operation control terminal .

  12. 与此同时,根据不同的应用环境选择合适的压缩算法变得更加重要起来。

    At the same time , selecting the appropriate compression algorithm depending on the application environment becomes more important .

  13. 秦岭金丝猴的这种生殖策略是其在长期的进化中对环境选择压力的回应,以使其本身生活史具有适应性

    This reproductive strategy is a response to the environmental selection pressure , and makes its life history more adaptive value

  14. 应该为您的环境选择什么样的身份验证模式,这是由数据的敏感级别来决定的。

    The authentication mode you choose for your environment will be determined by the level of sensitivity of your data .

  15. 涂尔干将道德教育的环境选择在公立学校,道德教育的对象是学龄前的儿童。

    Durkheim decides to set the moral education in public schools , and most children under study are pre-schooling kids .

  16. 我们希望能够帮助您针对各种各样的管道环境选择正确的阀门。

    This catalog has been published to assist you in choosing the correct valve for a vast number of piping conditions .

  17. 而由于因子互动的影响,学习创新机制和环境选择机制也就成为企业演化的主要动力。

    Because of influence of factors interaction , learning and innovation mechanics and environment choice mechanics become the main dynamics of organization evolution .

  18. 目标就是为从膜片输出的音频信号提供更多能控制的环境选择。

    The aim was to provide a more controlled environment for the audio signal on its path from the capsule to the output section .

  19. 必须按施工的环境选择适当的破碎剂型号,否则影响效果。

    The environment that have to be according to the buiding is chooseed the proper tattered form of a drug sign , if not effect .

  20. 企业应该结合自身状况与外部环境选择恰当的并购目标和并购方式。

    Enterprises should choose proper methods and targets of M & A , with considerations of integrations of their own situation and the external environment .

  21. 它利用稳态策略来代替一般的环境选择,通过ε支配关系来保证种群的多样性,通过ε自调整策略来简化初始配置。

    It uses steady-state method to replace normal environment selection , ensures population diversity by ε & dominance relationship , and simplifies initial configuration through auto-adaptive ε strategy .

  22. 从环境选择、土肥水管理、病虫害防治、整形修剪等方面,总结了永康方山柿无公害标准化生产的综合培育技术要点。

    Presentation was made on non pollution Diospyros kaki production techniques in Yongkang , Zhejiang province such as site selection , soil , fertilizer and water management , pest control and pruning .

  23. 其成功的关键在于太平人寿根据内外部环境选择了合适的成长战略,不断培育自身独特的核心竞争能力。

    The key of success lies in the choice of development strategies in line with its interior and exterior environment , and it makes every effort to create its particular core competence .

  24. 本文认为,环境选择和企业的适应变革都不是产业演化的唯一决定因素,产业系统演化是由环境选择作用和企业组织适应行为共同决定的。

    It is believed that enviromental choice and organizational adaption are not only determinate factor of industrial evolution in the article . Industrial evolution is determined by both environmental choice and organizational adaption .

  25. 有的细胞呈典型的恶性印戒细胞。因此,我们认为体外培养的人癌细胞仍可反映出人体癌细胞的临床诊断特点,所出现的差异可能是体外环境选择而使细胞改变的结果。

    The differences from the fresh lung cancer cells found in cultured cells could be explained by the effects of in vitro circumstance which is quite different from that of the human body .

  26. 基于耗散结构理论,对企业生态系统动态演化的机制进行了研究,得出其动态演化是自组织和环境选择相结合的结果。

    Based on the theory of dissipative structure , its evolutionary mechanism is studied . The conclusion is that the evolution of business ecosystem results from combining self-organization with environmental selection . 3 .

  27. 手机端保存读取到的数据,通过无线通信方式和有线数据传输方式的结合,使得操作者可以根据室内或室外环境选择传输方式,既可以现场操作也可远程传输。

    Through the wireless communications and wired data transmission combination , operators can any choose means of transmission by indoor or outdoor environment , so operators can operate in scene or long-distance transmission .

  28. 研究表明多元化不应以均质化为目标,要依据自身所面临的客观环境选择适合的区域贸易合作伙伴,才能更好的落实多元化进口策略,切实解决可能面临的石油供给危机。

    The trade countries should choose appropriate partners in different regions in accordance with the objective environment so as to carry out diversified importing strategy and settle potential crisis for petroleum supply in essence .

  29. 群落中各物种的出现虽然是自然界的随机事件,但若要成为优势种群,势必是各种群长期适应和竞争以及环境选择的结果。

    Although the occurrence of community species are random events in the nature , if they want to become dominant populations , which is a group of long-term adaptation and competition as well as environmental selection results .

  30. 文章分析了传统的预算管理和超越预算在企业中的应用,并指出企业应根据自己的环境选择合适的预算管理模式。

    The paper explains the application of the traditional budgeting management and beyond budgeting in corporation . Furthermore , the paper thinks that the enterprise must choose the eligible model of budgeting management based on the corporation environment .