
  • 网络Aeginetia indica;zizania latifolia;Aeginetia indica L
  1. 野菰叶粉代替粮食原料饲养草食性鱼效益评价

    Evaluation of the leaf of Zizania latifolia as a substitute for cereal stuff in practical diets for herbivorous fishes

  2. 用3种含野菰叶粉颗粒饲料在网箱中经126天饲养,每亩平均鱼产量达到了15000kg。

    An average fish yield of 23.7 kg / m was obtained by feeding the three diets for 126 days in cage-culture . The leaf of Z.

  3. 加入野菰叶粉,饲料中粗脂肪含量略为降低,但粗蛋白含量不变。

    The addition of Z. latifolia slightly reduced the crude fat content , but did not affect the protein content of the diets .

  4. 他们说,每公斤野菰可以卖到24至40美元,每公斤树莓卖给餐馆,可以有16美元的净利。

    They said wild mushrooms can fetch $ 24 to $ 40 per kilo . A kilo of huckleberries can net $ 16 in the restaurant trade .