
  • 网络wild turkey
  1. 野火鸡做熟后常有坚果味道。

    The wild turkey often has a nutty taste when cooked .

  2. 他们也爱吃野火鸡和猪肉。

    They also liked to eat wild turkey and pigs .

  3. 鹿肉、野火鸡和鱼都是他们的食物。

    Their food was venison , wilder turkey , and fish .

  4. 我所住的林子里满是纯种野火鸡。

    And the woods where I live are full of pure wild turkeys .

  5. 纯种野火鸡已经和农户的家养火鸡混种,品种质量有所下降。

    They were rare , and the pure-strain wild turkeys had begun to interbreed with farmers domestic stock .

  6. 野吐绶鸡,野火鸡:一种野生的火鸡,尤指一般北美家养火鸡的原种火鸡。

    A wild variety of turkey , especially one from which the common domesticated North American turkey is developed .

  7. 在50年代,我们这一地区鸟类学家最关心的是稀有的野火鸡。

    In those days , during the 1950s , the big concern of ornithologists in our area was the wild turkey .

  8. 感恩节当天,15只野火鸡“大摇大摆地”闯进美国纽约市郊的一个村庄,之后又“及时地”在晚饭前撤离该地。

    Fifteen wild turkeys strutted into a suburban hamlet of N.Y.on Thanksgiving Day and then left just in time to avoid dinner .

  9. 传统的火鸡晚餐就是让人们回顾清教徒举行的第一次感恩宴会上做的四只野火鸡。

    The customary turkey dinner is a reminder of the four wild turkeys that were served at the Pilgrims ' first thanksgiving feast .

  10. 南美中部和北部的野火鸡。不幸的是,煤炭火烧的温度还很高,开始把稻草烧着了!

    Wild turkey of Central and northern South America . Unfortunately , the coal was still quite warm from the fire and began to burn through the straw !

  11. 家蚕新品种野三元的农村试养调查纯种野火鸡已经和农户的家养火鸡混种,品种质量有所下降。

    Investigation on the Probationary Raising of a New Silkworm Variety " Yesanyuan " They were rare , and the pure-strain wild turkeys had begun to interbreed with farmers domestic stock .

  12. 有个鸟类学家设计了一种计算公式,对家养火鸡和纯种野火鸡进行起飞角度和加速度的比较。

    One ornithologist had devised a formula to compute the ratio of domestic to pure-strain wild turkey in an individual bird by comparing the angle of flight at takeoff and the rate of acceleration .