
  • 网络Collision Detection;collision detect;Collision Checking
  1. 一种针对复杂3D物体碰撞检测的算法改进

    Improved Algorithm for Collision Detection of Complex 3D Object

  2. Bullet是一个3D的开源物理引擎,支持3D的刚体和软体力学以及碰撞检测。

    Bullet is a3D open source physics engine that supports rigid-and soft-body dynamics and collision detection in3D .

  3. 本算法已经在EAST虚拟装配仿真系统中的碰撞检测模块得到应用,通过试验比较,证明了该算法的可行性。

    The algorithm has been applied to the EAST virtual assembly simulation system and is proved to be feasible .

  4. 一种基于TIN表达的碰撞检测方法研究

    A TIN-Based Collision Detection Method Research

  5. 基于OpenGL的复杂多面体模型间距离计算及碰撞检测

    Distance computation and collision detection between complex polyhedra using OpenGL

  6. 基于Snake模型的碰撞检测算法研究

    Research on collision detection methods based on Snake

  7. 基于HV分割的精确碰撞检测在虚拟设计中的应用

    The application of precise collision detection in virtual design based on HV partition

  8. 基于GPU加速的多物体碰撞检测方法

    Accelerating Collision Detection Based on GPU in the N-Body Environment

  9. 借鉴Web技术中的超级链接的思想,结合碰撞检测技术提出了在三维虚拟矿井中用于信息交流的热点技术。

    Drawing on the idea of super link in Web technique and combining with collision detection technology , it advances hot techniques used for information education in three-dimensional simulated mines .

  10. CRT工业机器人控制代码的碰撞检测

    Collision detection of control code for CRT industrial robot

  11. 关于VRML中物体间碰撞检测的研究

    Research of Collision Detection between Objects in VRML

  12. 基于图像的碰撞检测算法是一类较新的碰撞检测方法,它有效地利用图形硬件的加速功能,以减轻CPU的负担。

    Image based collision detection algorithms make efficient use of the graphics rendering hardware and reduce the computation overhead of CPU .

  13. 碰撞检测(CollisionDetection)是虚拟装配系统中的一项关键技术,它是对虚拟环境中两个或多个物体之间是否发生,以及何时在何处发生了碰撞进行检测。

    Collision detection is the key technology of the virtual assembly system , it is about determining if , when , and where two objects come into contact .

  14. 一种基于MPI的并行碰撞检测算法

    A parallel collision detection algorithm based on MPI

  15. 针对路径规划以及碰撞检测这一研究的重点问题,提出了C空间法、人工势力场法、遗传算法等。

    Path planning and collision examining are the focuses of researches , and many algorithms have been put forward , such as C-space method , potential field method and genetic method etc.

  16. 基于Petri网库所不变量理论提出Internet多机器人协调控制模型,并利用此模型解决系统操作中的碰撞检测问题。

    Based on place invariants of the Petri net , a control model of Internet-based multi-robot coordination is proposed to satisfy the collision avoidance during the operation .

  17. 基于MPI的并行八叉树碰撞检测

    Parallel Octree Collision Detection Based on MPI

  18. 在基于三维CAD的虚拟样机环境中,研究多体系统之间的碰撞检测问题对解决产品设计中的相关问题有着重要的现实意义。

    In 3d CAD based virtual prototype environment , it has important practical significance for solving the related problems of product design to research collision detection among multi-body system .

  19. 简化球体的BSP剖分结构的快速碰撞检测

    Detection of simplified sphere BSP-trees structure for broad-phase collision

  20. 基于GPU的实时碰撞检测算法在雷达遮蔽盲区研究中的应用。

    The application of real-time collision detection on GPU in the research of blind zone of radar .

  21. 其中主要对纹理映射反走样技术、LOD技术、碰撞检测等技术进行了深入的研究和探讨。

    Such as texture mapping , anti-aliasing , LOD and collision detection techniques and so on .

  22. 除了速度快之外,ODE还可以支持实时仿真的碰撞检测。

    In addition to being fast , the ODE supports collision detection for real-time simulation .

  23. 缩小跑步小人的边界框,会使SnailBait的碰撞检测更准确,因为它消除了错误碰撞。

    Reducing the runner 's bounding box makes Snail Bait 's collision detection more accurate because it eliminates false collisions .

  24. 头位、手位和手形数据送到主控计算机,进行人机交互、碰撞检测计算和控制,并把头位、手位和手形数据以及交互控制标志量传送到实时图像系统及3D音响系统;

    Third , main-control computer carries out the controls and calculations of collision detection and interaction of human and computer , and send data to real time image system and 3D sound system .

  25. 提出了一个基于GPU实现的、针对于复杂的封闭、变形物体的实时碰撞检测算法。

    An efficient algorithm for real time collision detection between complex deformable objects with closed surfaces by using graphics hardware .

  26. 碰撞检测问题是计算机仿真、CAD、机器人中的一个基本问题,主要用于提高虚拟场景的真实感或进行机器人的路径规划等。

    Collision detection problem is a basic problem in computer simulation , CAD ; robotics . It is mainly used to enhance the reality of virtual scene or applied for robot Path planning .

  27. 在求解Packing问题、机器人路径规划、虚拟装配、碰撞检测等常用到椭圆-矩形的不干涉算法。

    When resolving problem of interference such as packing , robot motion planning , virtual assembly , collision detection and so on , the interference algorithm for ellipse-rectangle is often used .

  28. 该算法充分利用图形硬件计算并行性且运算速度快的特点,将整个碰撞检测算法完全映射到GPU中进行。

    The parallel and fast computation of graphics hardware is fully used , and all computation of algorithm is performed on GPU .

  29. BREW手机应用程序与桌面应用程序的异同,提出了一些注意事项以及碰撞检测算法。

    BREW mobile applications and desktop applications , the similarities and differences , made some notes and collision detection algorithm .

  30. 将本文算法,应用到了基于RBF隐式曲面的碰撞检测和布尔运算等。并提出一个优化算法,可以加快隐式曲面进行布尔运算的速度。

    We also applied our method on RBF-based collision detection and Boolean operations . We also propose a method to speed up the Boolean operations of implicit surface .